I love EZDrummer and EZkeys on its own. Nice, and easy to use.
What I dont like:
I have to do my work several times. I put down my song structure first in EZKeys and than in EZDrums (or the other way round).
It would be much easier, if I could do a “structure” file containing the positions of verses, choruses and bridges. I would like to be able to see this structure-file in both programs!
I than can easily copy paste the verse/chorus/bridge chords (and mype pattern) in EZKeys quickly to all verses/choruses/bridges.
And I can also fill the parts of the song in EZDrummer very quickly with a drum pattern belonging to a verse/chorus/bridge. Maybe I can even just set pattern “X” to all verses.
That would make your EZ programs even more EZ.
It feels strange, that both programs do not talk to each other / that there is no link between them. Maybe you could make a very easy link with such a structure file, that you load in both programs.
If we think this a bit further, you can maybe even display only these drum patterns, that “works” with a selected EZ-Keys midi (or the other way round). Anyway, you have nice filter options in both programs, so this is not really needed – but I am sure, you will find some things, where it makes sense, that both programs know about the other one…
Especially talking to each other is getting very important, as soon as you realaes EZBass. It would not make sense, to type in the same chord progression in two different programs… 😉 (I still am hoping for EZBass 😉 ) Will buy it on the first day….