I have been trying to decide which 6 EZ Mix packs to get, and I have been listening to the samples on the Toontrack site for weeks now.
Still undecided, I created a google spreadsheet with all 20 (current as of 6/1/13) Mix Packs and how many presets each contains in each possible category.
It helped me realize that the Songwriter’s Pack, although an EZ Mix 1 product originally, is actually high up on my list due to the nature of the presets on which it focuses.
Blah, blah, blah… (or Bob Loblaw for those in the know…)
Anyway I will share it here. Hopefully it will help someone else make up their mind, as well.
Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnklhpXLB4t1dDQ3cnBLRGlYTGtka2lsRTgtREdBQ3c&usp=sharing
(You do need to be signed in to gmail to view and sort it.)
Hope this helps.