Ez mix 2 first look and some slight disapointment….

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  • Tom

    To start with something positive. Yes, I like EZMix 2 better, first of all because we now have a meaningful description of what the knobs do instead having to find that info in a text box and then translate it to a fix knob name.

    That said I also think the right side looks like a toy shop. I would have preferred just a text description here, or at least something looking like a rack rather than messy shelves.

    Also I happen to prefer faders to knobs. They are easier to adjust. But thanks for being able to adjust the knobs with the mousewheel. That facility always earns an extra star in my user reviews.


    sorry folks, gotta close this one, as there is a duplicate the OP started http://toontrack.com/forum/tm.aspx?m=123445… we like to hear from you, but in an ordained manner, we – well I – have trouble multi-tasking 😉

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager

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