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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • rudyjohn

    I second the motion. This would be an excellent feature that would, I believe, lure more singer/songwriter potential customers into purchasing the EZ lineup

    Marcus Wibmer

    Agreed, syncing the standalone EZ* apps would be real useful.
    Also, just riffing here, what if you updated EZ Keys to a similar UI design as EZ drums and EZ bass.

    Imma guessing your working that angle already 🙂

    Great Products, great design, real useful, thanks EZ guys

    chris parker

    i have 1K of products in my cart hinging on the ability to use ezkeys and ezdrummer simultaneous to make backing tracks. that crazy they can’t be used together! if im wrong please correct me because it does not make any sense no being able to use them at the same time to make jams. thats the whole point of buying it all. thanks for the help!

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