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EZ keys as a patch

Product Manager
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  • John


    I am not sure I follow you correctly but I just add a new Virtual Instrument Track and select the EZkeys VSTi plugin.
    I either drag MIDI from the EZkeys Browser to the EZkeys Virtual Instrument Track in Reaper or Record to the Track.
    Am I misunderstanding you?

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    tam hewitt-baker

    I cannot find EZ keys in the VSTi. How do I add to the list? I cant seem to.


    Hi Tam,

    I think is this is what you need to do to get your Keys to show up in your DAW….I used the file location of my DAW (reaper) as an example…Hope that helps,





    you shouldn’t copy the DLL manually… in the future when you update the plug-in your DAW will still link to the old version. The correct way to remedy the situation, if your DAW does not allow multiple VST paths, is to uninstall EZkeys (all products if you have more than one) and reinstall, making sure to choose the right custom path for the VST in the installer.

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager


    Ok, Thanks for the update…

    I have several EZ products and many unfinished projects with these as plug ins…Will that still be ok to unistall everything?

    And Then When re-installing them, you are saying I should choose my DAW vst path, is that correct?

    Cheers, jeff

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