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EZ iPad app

Requests and Feedback
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  • Marshall Law

    Also an Auria user – I have purchased multiple drum apps trying to find something like EZDrummer, but nothing even comes close. It would be a match made in heaven!


    There is an EZ Drummer shaped hole in the world of iOS music making. Hell, even the interface is already nearly perfect for an iPad. Don’t forget virtual midi and audiobus integration. Please Toontrack!


    Seems like a logical extension for EZ Drummer. Would love to see this one come to reality. In the meantime, are there any decent drum programs to use with Auria, etc”


    Auria doesn’t support midi. I think they are working on it.
    You can use Drumagog inside Auria, that’s it.
    The full (non iPad) version of Drumagog will host EZdrummer, so it would be good to see that supported in the Auria version at some point.

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