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Ez drummer.. what else do I need?

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • Rogue

    thanks for your interest in Toontrack products,

    it is not required for you to own a MIDI controller as you can program your drum tracks manually using Reaper (or use the included grooves of course) but one such as the nanopad will tremendously help your workflow, at least if you feel you would like to play in some basic patterns (or complex ones if you are Mr David Haynes), so I would highly recommend it.

    EZplayer pro can be a nice addition but it depends what you aim to do, if you are totally new to MIDI it might make things easier by allowing you to recombine patterns to create your own (such as taking the kick pattern from one stock groove and combining it with the rest of another)… I am not the best person to advise you on this purchase however as I am very biased and love that product, which IMO is often overlooked.

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager


    Thanks for the fast reply.

    That was a great help.


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