I’m currently running Pro Tools 8 (MBOX 2 PRO) with BFD Lite for my drum sounds.
I’ve used this with my drummer’s electronic kit (don’t know exact model – similar to Roland TD-30KV but about 3-4 years old) to record his playing and while there are some sounds that are good, I’m looking at updating and was thinking of getting the EZDRUMMER + Metal Machine combo as I think the sounds are brutal.
Some of the issues I had with BFD was that there wasn’t enough inputs on the program for the kit (maybe cause it was the lite version) and we had issues getting the hi-hat pedal to operate properly – it was closed hi-hats or…closed hi-hats. The Kit has 10 “pads” in total, I think (Kick, HH, SNR, 4 Toms, 3 Cym).
Would I be able to use EZDRUMMER for my needs in recording the drum kit in Pro Tools?
I think I read that the input MIDI notes are fixed in EZDRUMMER – so if they don’t match up and the kit is able to change the output notes, could it work then?
IF, and that’s a big IF, I had to go for superior drummer 2 instead, is it backwards compatible with the EZDRUMMER expansions?
I’m sorry for the vagueness in my question(s) – I never thought to take notice of models, etc before.
And I’m never good at asking Forum quesitons..