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EZ drummer promo email

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • Rogue

    the regular upgrade price is listed here:

    … I think you confuse ‘loops’ and MIDI. Both sounds and MIDI are delivered together with the Jazz EZX:

    that said, there is indeed a different Jazz MIDI pack available, meaning that the MIDI content is different:

    In term of how extensive they are, I guess this is a subjective question. Sounds are as detailed as the ‘pop/rock’ set, but with additions that are not featured in the core library. The MIDI library is quite different, focusing on a style rather than try to provide ‘meat and potatoes’ as was the goal with the core MIDI.

    Note that I haven’t seen the promo email you speak of, but I suspect this is valid only at select retailers, not our own website – at least that is usually the case, but feel free to post follow up questions regarding the nature of the products if you have any.

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager

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