EZ Drummer installation problem

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • Scott

    Here are the questions I’m having as what you are saying doesn’t make sense.

    First, I’ve never seen unzipping a Toontrack installer create a ‘program files’ folder. That seems user created somehow. Second, what the pictures tell me is that EZdrummer is INSTALLED to that program files folder that is on your desktop.

    I don’t understand what ‘but they don’t load up on my computer’ means. Have you set the path in Cubase to EZdrummer plugin (the ezdrummer.dll) that is located in that ‘program files’ folder? EZdrummer1 is not a standalone program. You need to open it as a plugin in Cubase.

    BTW, what product are you trying to install? Are you installing from a DVD or the full product download from your account?

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Ok.. this is confusing I know.. for both of us.. LOL… is there a video to show me how to set the path in cubase for ezdrummer…?? I downloaded this program before from my DVD and was able to see the drums and play them and now this doesn’t happen… So set me on the right path brother.. and tell me what to do next..


    No video but here is a FAQ.


    I normally would recommend not installing from the old dvd, but instead to install from the full installer from your Toontrack account. However, I don’t see that you have registered or authorized any products to your Toontrack account.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I entered my serial number but it says it isn’t registered to that email address.. I must have used another email.. but I have had this account since 2012.. So I am stumped…


    Sorry it says that serial number is registered to another account….


    Sorry it says that serial number is registered to another account….


    Contact Toontrack directly via the FAQ below and have them look into your serial number issue.


    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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