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EZ Drummer Insert in ProTools not showing up.

Studio Corner
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  • JeremyBrizzi

    I am using Pro Tools Artist and purchased EZ Drummer 3 today.

    I closed and reloaded Pro Tools after completing install of EZ Drummer.

    I created an Instrument Track.  EZ Drummer is not showing up as a plug in.

    Please advise.  How do I add EZ Drummer as an available plug in?


    Hi Jeremy,

    you have to insert the EZdrummer 3 plug-in on a Stereo Instrument Track.
    If you have indeed created a Stereo Instrument Track and EZdrummer 3 does not show up in the Instruments list, please open the Product Manager, click the EZdrummer 3 product, ‘Show Details’ and then the ‘Installation Info’ tab. Does it say that the AAX is installed?


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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