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EZ Drummer Insert in ProTools not showing up.

Studio Corner
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  • John


    this is from the Avid FAQ regarding Pro Tools First:
    Q) Can I use any AAX plug-ins with Pro Tools | First?
    A) Over 20 plug-ins are included with Pro Tools | First including the Xpand!2 Virtual Instrument. Pro Tools | First supports AAX Native 64 and AAX AudioSuite 64 plug-ins purchased from within the in-app Store. Check the description/specs in the Avid Marketplace to confirm if an iLok is required. Plug-in bundles which include ‘First’ in the name are specifically designed for use with Pro Tools | First and do not require an iLok. These plug-ins should download and automatically install, without needing to re-launch Pro Tools. Plug-ins purchased through the Avid Marketplace with your Avid Master Account will work with Pro Tools | First. Some plug-ins installed manually (outside of Marketplace) will work with Pro Tools | First, but most plug-ins will remain hidden and unavailable at launch. If you purchase plug-ins for Pro Tools | First then upgrade to Pro Tools, those plug-ins will be available as the AAX Native 64 format is exactly the same for Pro Tools | First and Pro Tools.

    Are you sure you’re not thinking about the workaround with Plague Bidule when you say you’ve seen others using this combo?
    Like Russ explains in this video:

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor



    Thanks for the reply and your input. I have read the Q/A that you listed and also the video about Plague Bidule. Its always difficult when seeing information online if it is current or posted years ago relating to an older version. My plug-ins for the Toontrack software do seem to be hidden like the Q/A noted. Plague Bidule costs approx. $100 so I wanted to compare that with the cost of getting a full/workable version of Protools. I would rather purchase a full version of Protools than have a version that will have future limitations.

    My real question is what do I need to do to use what I’ve already purchased. It seems like I should just purchase Protools 12 full version. That will allow me to use my three Toontrack plugins. The one user that I mentioned is on Youtube, “Pro Tools in Pajamas” by “theProtoolsgirl”. She has this combination of products and includes some very comprehensive tutorials.

    Is this your take on the issue? Do I need to have one step above the Pro Tools First?

    Thanks again for your input!!




    Hi Ken,

    I am pretty sure the Protoolsgirl is using the full version 12, since she is urging viewers to not use the free version but buy the full version in her intro video.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Well that solved nothing


    Rune14: please elaborate – what do you want to solve? Are you trying to load 3rd party plugins in Pro Tools First?


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hi John,

    He was basically asking if he can use the toontrack products he purchased on Pro Tools First. You could have just directly answered yes or no. I am having the same issue. I can’t find ezdrummer in the insert option after creating a stereo track. This is where we are stacked as we can’t use the ezdrummer in Pro Tools First. If it is indeed not compatible with with Pro Tools First then he is oping for the full version.


    So, the question answerable by yes or no is: is ezdrummer going to work on Pro Tools First?



    Hi John,

    He was basically asking if he can use the toontrack products he purchased on Pro Tools First. You could have just directly answered yes or no. I am having the same issue. I can’t find ezdrummer in the insert option after creating a stereo track. This is where we are stacked as we can’t use the ezdrummer in Pro Tools First. If it is indeed not compatible with with Pro Tools First then he is oping for the full version.


    So, the question answerable by yes or no is: is ezdrummer going to work on Pro Tools First?



    Pro Tools First cannot load 3rd party plugins.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I bought EZdrummer 2 today and loaded it on my iMac with iOS 10.14.6.  I use Pro Tools 2020.12.  I cannot find EZdrummer as a plugin on my stereo instrument track.  Is there something else I need to do to get it to show up?  The Toontrack folder where EZdrummer is installed is in my application folder. Do I need to move it?  Thank you for your help!


    Hi bonedaddio,

    no moving of stuff post install, please. Unless it’s about moving your EZdrummer 2 Sound libraries and MIDI to a new location but that’s not the question here.

    There is no extra step needed other than running the latest installer to get the AAX in the right place.

    If you open the Product Manager and click ‘Show Details’ then the ‘Installation Info’ tab, does it tell you that you have installed the 2.2.1 AAX component?

    If not, please run the latest 2.2.1 updater.

    If so, can you please check that you have an ‘EZdrummer.aaxplugin’ file located in your ‘Mac HD/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/’ folder?

    If you do not have one there, please run the latest 2.2.1 updater.

    If you have one there, please restart Pro Tools.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hi John,

    Thank you for replying so quickly!  I did confirm that I had the 2.2.1 AAX component installed and I had the EZdrummer.aaxplugin file in the folder you mentioned above.  I opened a new session in Pro Tools, added a stereo instrument track and it was there!  Don’t know why it didn’t work for me last night (I even closed Pro Tools and created 2 new sessions to try it out last night), but I’m good today.  Many, many thanks.  I appreciate your help!

    Mat (bonedaddio)


    Thanked by: John

    Hi again,

    I am now configured properly in Pro Tools as well, but I’m hoping you can help me with one more issue.  Whether I’m using the stand alone EZdrummer 2 app or using it in pro tools, I get a computer tone out of my iMac when the key is released on every note, even though the drum sounds come out of my speakers. I’m using an LPK25 midi device. Is there a setting I need to turn off so this tone doesn’t come through (by the way- it doesn’t come through in the pro tools recording).

    Thanks again for your help!




    it almost sounds as if the ‘Test’ feature or similar is on in your Audio MIDI Setup?
    I would start with opening that and see if there is something looking strange there. Is the small keyboard icon blue, for example?


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanked by: bonedaddio

    Thanks, John. I turned off the Midi setup and that fixed it. I appreciate your help again. I’m really loving EZdrummer 2 and I am grateful for the excellent customer service!  Looking forward to purchasing sound expansions!


    I downloaded EXdrummer2 DEMO, worked perfectly in protools.

    So… I Purchased the full version, uninstalled DEMO, installed full PURCHASED version through toontrack manager… all went well.  Including updates.

    WILL NOT SHOW UP IN PROTOOLS. (No plugins listed in the protools (“Common Files/audio/plugins directory either)

    any help is welcome.



    Hi hadder,

    could I please ask you to start a new topic in the EZdrummer Help section of the Forum?

    This is pre-sales and we want to keep support matters in the Help section, to get you sorted faster.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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