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Ez drummer in host program

EZdrummer Pre-sales
  • William Lewis

    I am in the process of replacing a decade old studio pc setup and am looking to modernize. The way I program drums now is to create the individual midi patterns using an external program (Drumflow) and paste them into SONAR. Then I apply a soundfont to the midi track and record the audio. Would either SD or EZD function through this kind of externally created pattern the way a soundfont would?

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  • John


    from what I can see, the Drumflow app exports GS MIDI and both EZdrummer 2 and Superior 2 can receive and play back GS MIDI correctly.
    I would recommend EZdrummer 2 of the two, since it’s the entry level product and also has got some nifty drum track making features.
    So, yes, if you load EZdrummer 2 as a plugin in Sonar and feed it the GS MIDI you’ve exported from Drumflow, it should work.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    William Lewis

    Great! Thanks!

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