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EZ drummer crashing Cubase 5

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • J.A.J Sound

    Sorry I am no help to ya, Because I am having the same issues with Cubase 7. Any one have a clue or a answer ?


    More info please. Computer specs, version numbers displayed in EZD interface. Not sure why it wouldn’t work in Cubase if it works in standalone mode.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Adding my bit – agree that this is odd behaviour. This weekend I updated my win 7 32bit machine with EZD 2.02. Now it crashes Cubase all the time …

    I also observed that it appears to work normally in standalone mode.
    I uninstalled 2.02 – but it crashed again with the same message staying that a dump file had been created.

    In total I must have collected 10-12 crash files, whereas before the update…I don’t think I ever crashed Cubase + EZD.

    Tomorrow I’ll set out to reinstall all the EZD files with expansion packs…grrr

    Lucas Lamounier

    Hey, I’m having the same problem. What did you do?


    As Scott said: more info makes it easier for us to search for the bugs, so any additional information is appretciated, e.g. computer specs, version numbers of ezdrummer and cubase, what you did when it crashed (was it in a particular area in EZdrummer, for example “when pressing tap2find”).

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

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