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EZ Drummer 2 with KAT KT4 – Mac & GarageBand?

E-drum Workshop
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  • Scott

    EZdrummer 2 requires GaraheBand 6 or higher or another supported DAW.

    Check the EZD2 product page for supported hosts.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Billy Goodness

    Thanks Scott!

    If I downloaded Reaper 5.17 (32 bit version) and ran that on my current Mac, do you think I’d be good to go?

    I realize I’m running an older Mac with an older OS.

    Billy G.


    As long as you have at least 2GB of RAM it should be ok. You can always download the EZD2 demo and try it out.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Billy Goodness

    Thanks again Scott!

    I have 4GB of RAM.

    I also found a download link from Apple for GarageBand 6.0.5.

    I’m thinking I’ll try the EZD2 demo with GB 6.0.5 and see if that works. If not, I’ll take on the challenge of learning Reaper.

    Billy G.

    Billy Goodness

    @Scott said:

    As long as you have at least 2GB of RAM it should be ok. You can always download the EZD2 demo and try it out.


    I’ve downloaded the EZD2 demo and have it working with Reaper. I do have a couple of questions:

    1) Are there more drum sounds in the full purchased version of EZD2 than there are in the demo?

    2) If I were to buy a new computer, would I be able to move my EZD2 purchases to the new machine?

    3) I’m a drummer so the pre-recorded loops and patterns are of little (if any) use to me. Is it possible to just purchase additional drums (sounds)?

    Thanks again!

    Billy G.


    @billyg_1 said:

    @Scott said:

    As long as you have at least 2GB of RAM it should be ok. You can always download the EZD2 demo and try it out.


    I’ve downloaded the EZD2 demo and have it working with Reaper. I do have a couple of questions:

    1) Are there more drum sounds in the full purchased version of EZD2 than there are in the demo?

    2) If I were to buy a new computer, would I be able to move my EZD2 purchases to the new machine?

    3) I’m a drummer so the pre-recorded loops and patterns are of little (if any) use to me. Is it possible to just purchase additional drums (sounds)?

    Thanks again!

    Billy G.

    1), 2)…yes.
    3)…EZX expansion packs include MIDI as well as drum sounds. There are no ‘drum sound only’ EZXs.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Billy Goodness

    Thanks again Scott!

    Billy G.

    Billy Goodness

    1 last question (I promise).

    I have created a User Preset kit in the Demo. Will that be saved, and show up in the full version when I purchase?

    I have to say that I’ve only been messing around with EZD2 for a few days and I’m pretty impressed. Even with the limited sounds in the Demo, I’m able to record some great sounding drum tracks by triggering with my KT4 into Reaper.


    Billy G.

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