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EZ Drummer 2 Export to WAV

Studio Corner
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  • Damian Blunt


    EZdrummer 2 is only able bounce a stereo mix. For full multi-channel bounce you will need Superior 2.

    Damian Blunt - Toontrack
    Quality Assurance


    @Damian Blunt said:


    EZdrummer 2 is only able bounce a stereo mix. For full multi-channel bounce you will need Superior 2.

    Hi – can you confirm that please? I ask only because I’m confused after seeing a YouTube for the original EZDrummer showing each drum in the kit being routed to an individual DAW track … and a user on another forum saying he was doing the same thing in EZDrummer 2.

    Thanks much!


    In standalone mode, EZD2 can only bounce to a single stereo wav file.

    When used in a DAW, you can multi out in EZD2 to your DAW mixer (if supported) and then use any multichannel bounce (batch export or whatever your DAW calls it) that your DAW has (if any).

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    @Scott said:

    In standalone mode, EZD2 can only bounce to a single stereo wav file.

    When used in a DAW, you can multi out in EZD2 to your DAW mixer (if supported) and then use any multichannel bounce (batch export or whatever your DAW calls it) that your DAW has (if any).

    Great, thanks for clarifying!

    Mattias Carlsson

    Does anyone know if it’s possible to get wav files from EZDrummer2 into a TM-2 module from Roland, to be used as a trigger module for an acoustic kit? I am completely new to this field of using hybrid drumming, but I’ve understood that the TM-2 can play wav files from an SD card. And since I do own an EZDrummer2 then I ended up on this forum… :-). Grateful for any help I can get, thanks.



    you can not extract WAV files from EZdrummer 2 EZX:s.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Jim Best

    I don’t want to export the drum track to multiple destinations. I would be happy with a stereo mix. There used to be a tab called, as I recall, Song Track in the menu which was able to use for this purpose, but it has disapeared.


    Hi Jim,

    which version are we talking about?

    In EZdrummer 2, there is a menu in the upper right corner of the Song Track to Export Track to WAV. In EZdrummer 3, there is a ‘Track’ Menu item in the main menu system, where you can find ‘Bounce’ to Export Song to Audio File(s).


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Jim Best

    Hi John,

    Thank you for replying.

    I am working with EZDrumer 2. I see a menu in the upper right corner. In the past, when I pulled down this menu there were a number of tabs, including one for Song Track. When I clicked on this tab I was able to export wav or MIDI versions of the EZDrummer song. But that tab has disappeared. All I can do now is save the file in EZDrummer format.

    Does anyone else have this problem?

    Thanks again for your reply.

    Jim Best


    Hi John,

    Thank you for replying.

    I am working with EZDrumer 2. I see a menu in the upper right corner. In the past, when I pulled down this menu there were a number of tabs, including one for Song Track. When I clicked on this tab I was able to export wav or MIDI versions of the EZDrummer song. But that tab has disappeared. All I can do now is save the file in EZDrummer format.

    Does anyone else have this problem?

    Thanks again for your reply.

    Jim Best

    Are you clicking on the menu at the upper right corner of the Song Track?


    Rickard - Toontrack Music
    Make music - it´s EZ!

    • The post has been modified 2 times, last modified 1 year, 1 month ago by rixa.
    Jim Best

    Hi Rickard,

    I click where you show, but I don’t see anything like what you see. I see Menu, and inside this I see tabs for About EZ drummer, Abut Sound Libraries, Operation Manual Online Support etc.

    Jim Best

    No. I was clicking on the menu at the upper right of the screen. My mistake. I will try the menu at the lower right. Thank you.


    Hi Rickard,

    I click where you show, but I don’t see anything like what you see. I see Menu, and inside this I see tabs for About EZ drummer, Abut Sound Libraries, Operation Manual Online Support etc.

    Sorry if this is a bit obvious, but do you really click on the menu above the Song Track?


    Rickard - Toontrack Music
    Make music - it´s EZ!

    • This post was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by rixa.
    Jim Best

    I was clicking on the wrong menu. Sorry about that. Thank you for patience.


    I was clicking on the wrong menu. Sorry about that. Thank you for patience.

    No Problem! happy to help! 🙂

    Rickard - Toontrack Music
    Make music - it´s EZ!

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