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EZ Drummer 2 dropouts in GarageBand 6.0.5.

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • John


    I have GarageBand 6.0.5 here on OS 10.8.5 and I have never experienced any drop-outs at all with EZdrummer 2.
    What are your system specs?
    Did you run a lot of other stuff at the same time?

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    nigel smith

    i had the same problem on my mac check you are using the latest o/s but don’t upgrade to mavericks as your computer will gain a new id and you will have re authorise . sort it out as the end of this is your tracks start sounding like someones fallen asleep on the decks

    Ames Alch

    So far my only option has been to export the project as midi file and use it as a track in GB. Don’t know why the dropouts are happening. FWIW, I used to work for apple at the genius bar (dumbest employee title EVAH!) so I’m Mac savvy.
    Would love to find a reliable fix, but methinks the problem may lie in the fact that GB 6.0.5 runs inn 32 bit mode and therefore can only address so much RAM. It could be that this would not be an issue using the new version of GB, but that would break compatibility with IK Multimedia’s Amplitiube, which is a deal breaker for me. No offense to other company’s offerings for guitar emulation software, but Amplitiube is head and shoulders above all others.

    Would love to hear any further suggestions/ideas.

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