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EZ Drummer 2 does not show up in Ableton Live 10.1

Requests and Feedback
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  • Steve Clarke

    I ended up having to copy the EZdrummer.dll file from


    C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\Toontrack


    C:\Program Files\Vstplugins


    Looks like EZdrummer is a VST2, even though it’s installed to the VST3 folder? Bizarre.


    Thanked by: Phillip Yarish


    manually moving or copying the .dll file will break the function to automatically update the plug-in with the PM.

    Point your host software to the location of the .dll file instead or Custom install the .dll file to your desired location.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Vit Sedlacek

    Hi John,

    Can you guys get this fixed, so it gets installed into a correct location by default? I’m on the same setup, when running installer again it doesn’t really give me any choice…

    I’ve managed to get EZKeys and Superior drummer working by pointing my VST2 path to VST3 path, but obviously now it doesn’t load my VST2 plugins ….

    Freshly installed EZBass nowhere to be found yet … I find this to be quite underwhelming first impression after spending 800EUR on your products :/





    Hi John,

    Can you guys get this fixed, so it gets installed into a correct location by default? I’m on the same setup, when running installer again it doesn’t really give me any choice…

    I’ve managed to get EZKeys and Superior drummer working by pointing my VST2 path to VST3 path, but obviously now it doesn’t load my VST2 plugins ….

    Freshly installed EZBass nowhere to be found yet … I find this to be quite underwhelming first impression after spending 800EUR on your products :/




    You don’t mention what DAW you are using but it’s it possible to set multiple VST paths in your DAW and not just a single path? I use Cubase and you can set multiple paths.

    You can launch the EZbass standalone (or any of the Toontrack samplers) and look in the Help menu for the plugin path.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Phillip Yarish

    THIS appears to have worked for me.  It’s now in Ableton Live Suite in my Plug-Ins, VST as EZdrummer. Thanks!

    Phillip Yarish

    Agree. This works!

    Rob Zipper

    Hi John,

    Copying the .DLL to the DAW’s plugin folder works.  Pointing the DAW to the install location isn’t practical for Ableton, as Ableton does not allow multiple paths for plugins, only one per type. The shortcut solution worked in 11, but does not in 11.1.




    the Default installation path on Windows as stated in the FAQ:

    • The default install path for a Toontrack VST plug-in on 32-bit Windows is:
      C:\Program Files\VstPlugins\Toontrack
    • The default install path of the 32-bit VST plug-in on 64-bit Windows is:
      C:\Program Files (x86)\VstPlugins\Toontrack
    • Finally, the default install path of the 64-bit plug-in on 64-bit Windows is:
      C:\Program Files\VstPlugins\Toontrack

    All of which should be included in the respective system wide VST path. When you install the EZdrummer 2 plug-in, you do have the choice to Custom install it to a location of choice but once it is installed, you can’t change it by running an update or manually move it. As stated above, moving or copying the .dll file manually will mean that the PM can’t update it, since it can’t know where you .dll file is.
    If you need to have the .dll in a Custom location, you have to uninstall EZdrummer 2 and re-run the installer (plus the latest updater) but this time pay attention to where you can Customise the installation for the VST. You do not need to uninstall all your EZX:s nor MIDI packs.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor



    Ive been going to a few diffrernt forums to try to find an awnswer. Ive done everything suggested like reinstalling to a specific folder,  run both the 32 and 64 bit version, copy/paste into my VST folder on Ableton, and looking at my file location on the standalone plugin. It doesnt show up as a VST, VST 2, or VST 3 or anything at all. I still have not found a way to run the VST in ableton. Ive done everything over about three or four times with no luck. Any suggestions would be extremly helpful.

    • This post was modified 3 years ago by Averino.


    Thanked by: HarleyKat

    Hi Averino,

    I can see three different locations in your screen shots above:

    C:\Program Files(x86)\VstPlugins\TOON DRUMS\ – which is where the 32-bit Standalone has been installed to, since it’s in the (x86) path

    \Music\VST PLUGINS\Toontrack\ – which seems to be where you have your downloaded installation files, judging from the names of the folders

    \VstPlugins\TOON DRUMS 2\ – this seems to be an added folder in Ableton

    I am sorry but it seems you have just tried to Customise something that should more or less work with using Default setting.
    There are several wrongs at play here but I am going to close this thread now, since this has clearly turned into a Help request and should be handled in the EZdrummer Help section for registered users, not here in the Requests & Feedback section.

    Please post in the correct section and we’ll try sort you out asap.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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