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EZ DDrummer as midi?

Studio Corner
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  • David Tatlock

    Hey again. I forgot to mention that I’d like to have the drumkit on separate tracks. I tried using the “activate all outputs” option, but the sound only shows up on the EZ1 track and nothing else.


    After you open EZ as a Multi output and check EZ’s Mixer outs are set to individual not just 1&2 then your daw should do the rest for you.

    David Tatlock

    How do I set EZDs outputs to individual outs?


    Not in front of it at the moment, but I think there’s a output box on the top or bottom of each channel in the EZD mixer. Probably orange lettering, but could be wrong.

    Select this and change the output to the output channel pair you want.

    How it then translates to channels in your DAW is dependent on which one you use.


    SD2.3, NYII, C&V, MC, MF, ED, Latin Perc, Twisted, Pop, N1H, Electronic, Classic, Funkmasters, Rock Solid, Blues, Indie-Folk.

    David Tatlock

    I tried to change the output channels, but when I hit the snare for instance it shows up on two of the tracks even though I have it set to “track 2”. Any idea what I’m doing wrong?


    Well the snare should do that >edit<
    It will come up in the Snare mics which could have bottom and top assigned to 1 or 2 tracks plus the snare will come up in Room mice and Overheads with the kick or toms, you may want to separate them from the Overheads to use the Overheads for just Stereo cymbals via the little switch atop the overheads.
    From memory, just choose a multi channel from ezy’s mixer, it will automatically configure for that EZx in a sensible way

    David Tatlock

    I tried everything you suggested, but i’m still getting each part of the kit showing up in multiple channels at the same time.


    You need to open a multi instance
    Did you also
    Open multi out in EZD in its mixer window ? {at the bottom of a fader click on the output numbers )

    I am sure this is covered somewhere in a video.

    David Tatlock

    how do I open a multi instance?

    David Tatlock

    my bad. the extra tracks were just overheads. here’s my next question: how do I convert the individual drum tracks as audio? again, i’m using Cubase essential 5.

    David Tatlock

    I now have the multiple outputs working fine. Now, is there a way to make drumbeat changes? I have a midi plugin called Beat Designer in CE5 which I used to use to program my beats but it only allows beat changes if the track is saved as audio. My question again, is can I have my entire drum arrangement recorded when using multiple out with EZD?

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