EZ Bass questions

Requests and Feedback
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  • Henrik

    Since we are in development of this product we can’t yet say any more than we have on the Toontrack EZbass page, where the release is revealed. If we promise to have something implemented, but in the end can’t be implemented (which can happen because of many, many reasons) – our customers will be disappointed, and that’s something we don’t want!

    We’ll do our best get a functionality that will fulfill our users’ needs, so all feature requests and comments are welcome, and your requests are noted!

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    Finally found the place to get in direct contact with you developers… I have a huge request…

    I am happy to see EZ  Bass is coming.

    PLEASE do not only look at EZ Bass when developing it:

    1. Dont forget your other plugins. I think an easy exchange of the chord progessions and song parts between EZ Keys and EZ Bass is very important. It does not make sense to set up the chord progressions and “verse”/”Chorus” twice? Same to “Fills” in EZ Drummer. So please make sure, that one can easily drag the chords from Keys to Bass and the other way round… and that also EZ Drummer is not forgotten (busy playing, Fills, …)
    2. Please also dont forget EZ Drummer… Bass and drums are strongly connected… Why not suggesting /deriving Bass patterns from the drums?

    To be honest: I was quite disappointed, that there is no talk between EZ keys and Drummer.. and even more disappointed that EZ Mix on track 2 does not care about the EZ Mix settings on track 1 – should be easy to avoid Masking and other intereferences, if the whole song is mixed with one single plugin… But no.. PLEASE look at this when creating EZ Bass!!

    All the best – cant wait to pre-order 😉


    Thanked by: Henrik

    EZBass_Why not original collaborations? Why not a Dirtyloops pack EZKeys/EZBass/Superior Drums 3?

    (Personally I would in the future like see bass-options like Sousaphone, Bottleblow, Bass-clarinet to broaden the spectrum in indie and filmmaking genres like Horror…)


    Regarding EZBASS, can you tell me what date do you plan to release it?


    Max Coletta.


    Regarding EZBASS, can you tell me what date do you plan to release it?


    Max Coletta.

    Q4 2019 is the latest info.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Emanuele Frati

    Is there any updated news and expected release time?

    EZ Bass is really the most interesting thing that I look forward to trying!


    Press release:


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Kind of vague (IMO).. considering it was originally due out before the end of 4th quarter last year.

    Here we are heading into 2nd quarter following year. Still cant get any good information.

    Might as well just say “Eventually” at this point.

    svein overland

    Collaborate with Bornemark or get inspiration from his excellent Broomstick Bass that is sadly not supported any more




    Will EZBass run under Windows 7 (64bit) ?

    Billy Procell

    After watching the video on it posted today it seems like it is very much missing a key feature. A key feature that will keep me from investing in EZ Bass, and quite frankly a lot of other people too.  That is DI out. Are the FX/Amping/EQ all baked in, or are we going to get actual dry tracks out of this for our own ReAmping using stuff like Helix, or EZ Mix?

    Hopefully it does have DI, and it just hasn’t been stated/announced yet. I will gladly eat my words if it does. However, if it doesn’t (I hate to say it) but EZ Bass will be a pass for me.


    After watching the video on it posted today it seems like it is very much missing a key feature. A key feature that will keep me from investing in EZ Bass, and quite frankly a lot of other people too.  That is DI out. Are the FX/Amping/EQ all baked in, or are we going to get actual dry tracks out of this for our own ReAmping using stuff like Helix, or EZ Mix?

    Hopefully it does have DI, and it just hasn’t been stated/announced yet. I will gladly eat my words if it does. However, if it doesn’t (I hate to say it) but EZ Bass will be a pass for me.

    Yes. There is a DI preset for each included bass (modern and vintage).

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Billy Procell

    After watching the video on it posted today it seems like it is very much missing a key feature. A key feature that will keep me from investing in EZ Bass, and quite frankly a lot of other people too.  That is DI out. Are the FX/Amping/EQ all baked in, or are we going to get actual dry tracks out of this for our own ReAmping using stuff like Helix, or EZ Mix?

    Hopefully it does have DI, and it just hasn’t been stated/announced yet. I will gladly eat my words if it does. However, if it doesn’t (I hate to say it) but EZ Bass will be a pass for me.

    Yes. There is a DI preset for each included bass (modern and vintage).

    Oh snap!!!!!!!

    Then I will gladly eat my words. (quick what is the emoji for that)

    I spoke too soon, and now that I have conformation that it has DI presets…. Oh boy. Looks like I will be having to set some money aside for EZBass, Possible expansions, and Midi packs.

    Thank you so much Scott for taking the time out to confirm this with me.


    Billy Procell

    Erik Phersson

    Sound examples if you scroll down a bit.


    Erik Phersson - Toontrack
    Head Of Development


    Hey Folks, can somebody please reply to my request: will EZBass run under Windows 7 64bit?

    Thank you in advance for your reply.

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