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EZ Bass crashes out completely ever singe time.

Requests and Feedback
  • John Russell

    EX Bass worked fine…untill it asjked me in the install manager to remove 2.5 gig of software, since this ive suffered multiple crashes when i load AU or VST 2

    although stand alone woks great…Love the software…but since i removed the 2.5 gig u kindoff requested i should do…i cant get it to work in the DAW ) studio One 4.6 and also my StudioLive 32 S freezes instantly with it..this has been going on ONLY since i got rid off other instances, ive since re installed only 30 mins agio/// still having the same problem..

    Jono ( John Russell )

    Thanks, hope someone can help

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  • Olof

    Can you open the standalone? If so, go to Settings > General and click “Reset Scale and Size”. Maybe that stops the crashing in the DAWs. Otherwise, do you have any crash log to share?

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack

    John Russell

    You are a STAR Olof…Its worked instantly…ive lost a whole day trying to sort this..Brilliant.

    I was blaming the  DAW. StudioOne / StudioLive 32 S

    Jono ( John Russell )

    Sweden Rocks Buddy.


    Thanked by: Scott
    Gary Walbrun

    I am using EZ Bass in ProTools 11.3. ProTools is usually pretty stable for me, but when using EZ Bass it frequently causes ProTools to crash and close the session.   Anyone else having this problem? What could be causing this?




    Hi Gary,

    do you get any kind of crash reports? Error messages?

    Which OS are you on?


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Gary Walbrun

    The error message simply says “ProTools quit unexpectedly.” No other error message. I am on OS 10.10.5.


    Thanked by: Juhani Toivio

    Remove the lot and re-install.

    Fixes it.

    Painfull but required.


    Thanked by: Michael Mouse
    Michael Mouse

    Got Eighties Bass yesterday and installed it (and the available EZBass update). Now EZBass is constantly crashing Ableton Live 11. Have to Ctl+Alt+Del (Windows 10) to stop the .dmp files building up. Just now, it generated 64 .dmp files it a matter of seconds. I have the feeling that billygiii has the right idea.

    I have made sure I have plenty of free space on my drive.

    I have most of the bass libraries and I’ve not been having any trouble with EZBass until now.

    I’ve uninstalled EZBass now and am re-downloading it before re-installing it.

    I have to go out for a while but will keep an eye out here for any replies when I get back.


    Update: I hope this works. Main app’ and 4 of 5 bass instruments installed so far.

    Michael Mouse

    Same problem.


    I’ve attached another example file.

    Michael Mouse

    Re-downloaded and uninstalled Eighties Bass using the installer package.

    Again, as soon as I hit play in Ableton Live, EZBass crashes continuously.

    The problem is not with Eighties Bass then, since it’s not even installed at this point.

    In stand-alone all my bass libraries work as expected.

    I reinstall Eighties Bass to confirm it actually works OK in stand-alone mode too.

    Both Eighties Bass products (Electric & Synth) work fine in stand-alone mode.

    Conclusion: The up-to-date VST3 in Ableton Live (on Windows 10) seems to be the problem.

    Michael Mouse

    Sorry about all the posts. 🙂

    I wrote to Support and pointed them to this Thread but it’s still the weekend.

    Anyway, I mentioned earlier that I had plenty of Free Space on my hard drive. There was plenty on the drive where I store the samples but a big chunk of space had disappeared off my main C drive. I just noticed this today, so moved a good 9 GB of files off C onto a different storage drive.

    Now EZBass seems  to be working in Ableton Live 11.


    Hi Michael,

    These crashes were caused by the bug listed under Known issues in EZbass 1.1.5 in the release notes section:

    • Sending MIDI to the EZbass plug-in while its window is being opened for the first time in a session can cause a crash. This crash won’t happen if the project was saved with another tab than the Bass tab active and it also won’t happen if “Show played note information” is off in Settings.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    Thanked by: Michael Mouse

    What are the plans to remediate this bug ? Should we expect an update soon ?

    Ab Aberkrom

    Same story here. Tried all suggested above. Goes well for half an hour (sometimes) then starts crashing again. Really terrible. It before was a little buggy (had a few crashes), but I never had these troubles with the plugin before that frequently.  After the last updates it happens all the time. Rolling it back does not seem to fix it either. No clue what is going on, but I hope TT to fix these issues soon. I run studio one v5.


    What are the plans to remediate this bug ? Should we expect an update soon ?

    Yes, quite soon.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    Same story here. Tried all suggested above. Goes well for half an hour (sometimes) then starts crashing again. Really terrible. It before was a little buggy (had a few crashes), but I never had these troubles with the plugin before that frequently.  After the last updates it happens all the time. Rolling it back does not seem to fix it either. No clue what is going on, but I hope TT to fix these issues soon. I run studio one v5.

    If rolling back does not fix it, you must be having a different kind of crash. Please upload a crash log or dump file.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack

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