Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

EZ Bass

Other Pre-sales
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  • Viktor

    Hi Chris, Thanks for your message.

    The prices you see at the bottom of the EZbass page at are the list prices for EZbass. We’ll have no Crossgrade from other products in the EZ line or intro pricing.

    aaron bergman

    I own EZ Keys, Drums and Mix and a ton of midis and expansions, so it is very disappointing to see that there is no loyalty consideration.

    Curtis French

    I own 49 Toontrack products and was going to purchase EZ Bass.  Was hoping there would be a discounted introductory price for loyal Toontrack owners.  If not, then I’ll hold off until there is a sale.


    Thanked by: aaron bergman
    aaron bergman

    I own 49 Toontrack products and was going to purchase EZ Bass.  Was hoping there would be a discounted introductory price for loyal Toontrack owners.  If not, then I’ll hold off until there is a sale.

    I agree that this is very disappointing for long time, loyal customers, especially at a time like this. The lack of response by Toontrack is also telling. I know that they do not owe us anything and that they are a business that can do whatever they want, but it is still offputting.


    Thanked by: Curtis French
    Lee Shapiro

    I also own a LOT of Toontrack products and have been a loyal customer for years.  And it would have been nice to see even a small token discount for loyal members.  Even $20 off would have been a nice gesture.   But I think Toontrack knows that among us loyal customers, we will buy EZBass no matter what.  So they got us and they know it!


    Thanked by: aaron bergman

    Personally (and by that I mean I’m saying this personally and not as a forum tech), Toontrack should have priced pointed this thing as a “Superior” product. I mean, it is based on the Superior engine, has superior features like Tracker, built in MIDI editor, resizable interface, et al. That way they could have set the retail price “higher” to start and cut the price to $179 for an introductory price. Everyone would praise them for a great price point given the feature set. But, instead, it’s starting at an EZ level price for a Superior level product.

    Either way, personally (again, “personally”) it’s a great price for a great product.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanked by: Tormod Guldvog
    aaron bergman

    The price might be okay, but I am currently buying from companies that are making goodwill gestures.  This product will be the launching pad for new expansions and MIDI packs, so if they had been at all gracious, I would have been inclined to buy those, too. I have spent a lot of money on Toontrack, but their products now go to the back of the line for me. Maybe in a more normal time I would not be this frustrated, but I see so many other companies making an effort for their loyal customers.


    Hi, I know EZBass is being launched tomorrow 5/19. Can you share what time of day? I’m really excited to purchase. I’ve been anxiously awaiting the release for over a year. Congrats on the new product!





    It’ll be available tomorrow at 14:00 CET 👍


    Thanked by: Roeland Scholsberg

    Thanks Viktor.

    You can send me a link now, if Toontrack would like to do a “soft-launch” to test. 😉

    Best of luck with the launch! – Drew

    PS Looking forward to EZGuitar 🙂




    It’ll be available tomorrow at 14:00 CET 👍


    So glad someone asked…. I was about to check in just after midnight!!

    Lee Shapiro



    It’ll be available tomorrow at 14:00 CET 👍


    So glad someone asked…. I was about to check in just after midnight!!

    Yeah a Midnight release would have been better.  Midnight in Sweden, I would have already downloaded it by now.  LOL!

    Roeland Scholsberg

    I also was hoping for A midnight release. Unfortunaly it is not.

    But  now I can sleep untill 14:00 h. And then download ezbass to give myself A Nice birthday present.
    goodnight all!!!

    Roeland Scholsberg

    What a nice surprise.
    I have download EZbass  already:)

    Thanks Toontrack

    Jörg Steel

    Price an hour earlier 139€, price now 155€, not funny.

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 21 total)

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