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EZ and Garage band : problem with the percussions

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  • John


    there is no EZdrummer EZX that both have GM compatible drum sounds AND percussion.
    The Percussion oriented EZX is the Latin Percussion EZX.
    You can run an instance with percussion and one instance with drums and split the MIDI between them.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Phenix 2

    what is GM?

    yes, it’s not possible
    thanks !
    that’s what i did : one track with G band for the percussions
    one track with Ez drummer for the drums (with g band as a master track)

    You like drums, iconic sounds and drum plugins ?
    > Go and see my Youtube channel, instagram, Soundcloud and TikTok : like and and subscribe !



    GM stands for ‘General MIDI’ and it’s an old standard from the early 90’s which specifies certain things like patches and note numbers for tonal and percussive sounds in GM compatible hardware and software.
    Toontrack drum expansions are GM extended, which means they are compatible with GM for the drum parts but utilizes the percussion range to extend the articulation seems available for the drum sounds. To simplify it.
    If percussion parts would be included for GM in the libraries, it would limit them severely.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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