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External Hard Drive?

Studio Corner
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  • John


    please se this FAQ for moving the EZdrummer 2 Sounds and MIDI:

    This will take care of moving your repository of all Toontrack (percussive) MIDI as well as the EZdrummer 2 EZX:s.
    Superior 2 SDX:s can be moved to your location of choice and then re-linked from inside the plugin on the Settings page.
    Please see Chapter 9.3 ‘Sound Paths’ in the Superior 2 Manual.

    EZmix 2 files are installed to your system drive and can’t be moved the same way. They are very, very small though.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Matthew Foss

    @John said:


    please se this FAQ for moving the EZdrummer 2 Sounds and MIDI:

    This will take care of moving your repository of all Toontrack (percussive) MIDI as well as the EZdrummer 2 EZX:s.
    Superior 2 SDX:s can be moved to your location of choice and then re-linked from inside the plugin on the Settings page.
    Please see Chapter 9.3 ‘Sound Paths’ in the Superior 2 Manual.

    EZmix 2 files are installed to your system drive and can’t be moved the same way. They are very, very small though.

    Thank you John!


    Matthew Foss

    @John said:


    please se this FAQ for moving the EZdrummer 2 Sounds and MIDI:

    This will take care of moving your repository of all Toontrack (percussive) MIDI as well as the EZdrummer 2 EZX:s.
    Superior 2 SDX:s can be moved to your location of choice and then re-linked from inside the plugin on the Settings page.
    Please see Chapter 9.3 ‘Sound Paths’ in the Superior 2 Manual.

    EZmix 2 files are installed to your system drive and can’t be moved the same way. They are very, very small though.

    Thank you John!


    Julio Matta

    Hello;  As many individuals here that run out of HD space in their macs, I find myself in the same situation.  My question is can I relocate my entire library of Tooktrack software and extension packets to an external hard drive, specifically an SSD 2TB external hard drive?

    I did not specify a particular product because as a fateful customer, I have over 60 programs and extension packets from EZ Drummer, EZ Drummer 2&3, EZ Keys, EZ Keys 2, SD 3, EZ Bass (all three) and many many more.  I love your products, and as stated, I have over 60 products, which makes up my Toontrack library.    Your response and guidance is greatly appreciated.  Email: **** EDIT* Please do not post email addresses in public Forums

    Julio L. Matta

    • This post was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by John.

    Hi Julio,

    all libraries can reside on external drives. Please see the FAQ and/or Help Forums sections for each product but the procedure is the same for all EZ instrument products.
    If you need further help, please post in the Help section(s) for registered users, not here in the Studio Corner.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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