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Exporting MIDI files from ezdrummer 2 in cubase

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  • Scott

    No. The MIDI file should follow the tempo in Cubase. If you want the file to play at 130bpm, you need to set the Cubase tempo to 130bpm.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    and if i recorded before a guitar track it gets faster than i should be if i speed up the midi file this is my problem
    should i record the guitar track after importing the midi file?


    I’ve recorded my guitar part first (to a click) and then added drums. I’ve also done drum tracks first and then added guitar. The important part is that I pick a tempo first and stick to it (if recording audio first). If you’re not recording audio and just use MIDI, you can change tempo anytime. But if you’re recording audio first, you should pick a tempo and stick to it.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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