Hello, I currently use sample pad pro to trigger my superior drummer 2 kits.
I’ve currently created a custom preset kit and use a custom midi output from my sample pad pro. Had to do this because EZ-drummer didn’t allow for mapping so had to set the midi mapping notes on the sample pad pro. Simple enough I was able to map the notes the same with the learn function in superior drummer 2.
I’m going to be traveling soon to work with other musicians who use different daws, however all studios have either superior drummer 2 or ex-drummer loaded in their daws.
Is there a way for me to save my preset kits on a jump drive or such and then load them into their superior drummer?
This way when I show up to record I can add my Sample Pad Pro to their daw controller input and load my preset and start recording.
Sure hope there is an easy way to do this.
Thanks in Advance