Error when installing updates

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  • John


    the Sound Installer for DVD Revision is not an update for the plugin or library, it is for when you need to install the Sound Library from DVD onto an OS that is newer than the DVD Print and the installer on disc is incompatible with the OS.

    The second message means you have installed the limited web install of the Sound Library and are trying to apply the Library update, which only works on the Library installed from DVD.
    So you should uninstall the limited web content and install the Library from DVD, then run the Library update.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    @John said:


    the Sound Installer for DVD Revision is not an update for the plugin or library, it is for when you need to install the Sound Library from DVD onto an OS that is newer than the DVD Print and the installer on disc is incompatible with the OS.

    The second message means you have installed the limited web install of the Sound Library and are trying to apply the Library update, which only works on the Library installed from DVD.
    So you should uninstall the limited web content and install the Library from DVD, then run the Library update.

    Thanks. I think I installer 64 bit Superior but now I realize I might have Cubase 32 bit. How can I check what bit version of Cubase I have?

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