I would really like some help on this issue, everytime i try to download death and darkness sdx i receive the error message size of file received is incorrect. Ive contacted support a few months back but due to work the thread fell through the cracks. I purchased this product back in December and were only at 23 gigs downloaded out of the 183.
I would really like some help on this issue, everytime i try to download death and darkness sdx i receive the error message size of file received is incorrect. Ive contacted support a few months back but due to work the thread fell through the cracks. I purchased this product back in December and were only at 23 gigs downloaded out of the 183.
I ran a little experiment and i believe its due to slow internet connection. I live in the mountains of Virginia so internet is not the best here. The only way i have a connection is to use the hotspot on my phone, which is limited to 15g of 4g and after that the speeds are 600 kbps..so super slow. But when i let it go on my 4g data i didn’t get the error message. Although really inconvenient to use all my data evey month for however many more months its going to take to get it done. Also i dont know what its going to do when it reaches the end. Ill try what you said with the hard drive.
Hello I am receiving the same message when downloading progressive foundry
***UPDATE*** I am now stuck in a verify loop
Hello I am receiving the same message when downloading progressive foundry
***UPDATE*** I am now stuck in a verify loop
Operating system: macOS Catalina (10.15)
- This post was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Al Hughes.
I see you finished the download eventually.
Olof Hermansson - Toontrack
I am also having this issue, but on Library Part 2 of Superior Drummer 3. I’ve tried everything, and nothing works. I’m in the US, not running a VPN, have blazing fast internet and I was just able to download the entire 40gb Library Part 1 with no issues. I’ve installed tons of Toontrack software over the past few days, and this is the only file giving me trouble. Please help, otherwise I just spent $400 for nothing.
hello I’m getting the same message…file received was too short. what do I do
Your connection to the server seems generally unstable, since your log shows many download retries for different files, most of which you eventually completed. I guess you should just keep trying. If your internet connection is otherwise fast and stable, maybe it would be worth trying a VPN for these downloads. If you are really stuck with that message on a particular file for a long time, let me know here and I can try purge the download caches for it.
Olof Hermansson - Toontrack
Thanked by: jholum84ok thank you I got it to download but now I’m having a problem installing my midi packs. its saying, “the developer of the app needs to update it to work with this version of macOs. contact the developer for more information.”
ok thank you I got it to download but now I’m having a problem installing my midi packs. its saying, “the developer of the app needs to update it to work with this version of macOs. contact the developer for more information.”
You shouldn’t be getting that message if you start the installers through Product Manager instead of from Finder. Well, it could also happen if PM has failed to download the latest installer software. It does that in the background when it is launched, so if you were already trying to start the installers through PM, restart PM, wait ~10 s and try again.
Olof Hermansson - Toontrack
I’ve tried both ways and it doesn’t work. in finder I get that message I sent you and in product manager stays on installer launched
I’ve tried both ways and it doesn’t work. in finder I get that message I sent you and in product manager stays on installer launched
Please contact support for troubleshooting why it isn’t working from Product Manager and/or getting instructions how to install the packs manually.
Olof Hermansson - Toontrack
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