I would really like some help on this issue, everytime i try to download death and darkness sdx i receive the error message size of file received is incorrect. Ive contacted support a few months back but due to work the thread fell through the cracks. I purchased this product back in December and were only at 23 gigs downloaded out of the 183.
I’ve cleared the download cache for that file, please try again.
Olof Hermansson - Toontrack
Thanks for the reply, but unfortunately im still receiving the error message.
Hello I am getting the same error message for five days. Decades SDX. I must have tried to download about 10 times already. Each time it gets to 98.02gb and then it stops with the same error message. ” The Received file was too Short”. What’s going on with this?
Please try to resume the download again, Abraham.
Olof Hermansson - Toontrack
Thanked by: AbrahamI am still getting the same message. I can’t keep downloading 100 gigs every day only to have it fail in the end. Is there another way this can get downloaded?
Thanks for the reply, but unfortunately im still receiving the error message.
Looking at your download log, it seems you are getting checksum verification errors for several different files. Is the download reaching the end and looping back, over and over?
How is the download speed?
Could it be that there is something wrong with the disk? Maybe try First Aid in Disk Utility?
Olof Hermansson - Toontrack
I am still getting the same message. I can’t keep downloading 100 gigs every day only to have it fail in the end. Is there another way this can get downloaded?
Operating system: macOS Sierra (10.12)
- This post was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Abraham.
Do you have any kind of antivirus software running that could be interfering?
Currently you are having problem with a file in Decades that is named MAC_Installer_200.zip. Over 50 attempts on that file. But before you restarted the entire Decades download (about 19 h ago), you had successfully downloaded that file – not on the first attempt but on the 6th – and after that you had the same problem with WIN_Installer_200.zip many times until you restarted it all.
Olof Hermansson - Toontrack
No I don’t have any antivirus running and yes I am having trouble with unzipping that file. I did get it once, but needed to update my sd3 version to install. Next time I went to try I got same error.
Zero KB, maybe in fact I just need that file?
Where in the world are you located? Do you have access to any VPN, through which you can try to finish the download?
By the way, it won’t help to restart the entire SDX download, trust me, that would be purely coincidental if so.
You are missing 4 zip files in the download…
Olof Hermansson - Toontrack
Haha, I’m and American here In Macau China, so this would require a vpn? I’m the pianist for the ritz-carlton hotel herein the Galaxy Casino resort complex. and currently kind of stuck here because of the cov-19 crisis.
Well, it could be that the country you’re in is blocking these files, so a VPN should help then.
Olof Hermansson - Toontrack
and it’s not possible dropbox that last file? the zip? I have that. I have the other 98gb of content. If that is the issue that is?
and it’s not possible dropbox that last file? the zip? I have that. I have the other 98gb of content. If that is the issue that is?
Operating system: macOS Sierra (10.12)
Done, hope it works. (You should have got a download link by mail.)
Olof Hermansson - Toontrack
Thanked by: AbrahamPlease log in to read and reply to this topic.
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