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ERROR 1305: Cannot load file …etc EZ KEYS

Requests and Feedback
  • Roy Cunningham
    Howdy from Texas… After downloading the EZ Keys Classic Demo...

    Howdy from Texas…

    After downloading the EZ Keys Classic Demo …decided to purchase the program.

    First attempt at install failed because it detected “another instance of the program already on the computer.
    Uninstalled demo program, proceeded with installation.

    When attempting to update to current version… got the error message “1305” ( screen capture image attached)

    After researching heavily …restarting Windows 8.1 without allservices or in Safe Mode …still nothing

    Discovered the error “1305 is a very common occurrence …

    Still cannot solve the problem

    Also cannot install the Boogie MIDI pak because it requires current version


    Thank You and Best Regards

    Howdy from Texas…

    After downloading the EZ Keys Classic Demo …decided to purchase the program.

    First attempt at install failed because it detected “another instance of the program already on the computer.
    Uninstalled demo program, proceeded with installation.

    When attempting to update to current version… got the error message “1305” ( screen capture image attached)

    After researching heavily …restarting Windows 8.1 without allservices or in Safe Mode …still nothing

    Discovered the error “1305 is a very common occurrence …

    Still cannot solve the problem

    Also cannot install the Boogie MIDI pak because it requires current version


    Thank You and Best Regards

Viewing 16 replies (of 16 total)
Viewing 16 replies (of 16 total)

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