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ERROR 1305: Cannot load file …etc EZ KEYS

Requests and Feedback
  • Roy Cunningham

    Howdy from Texas…

    After downloading the EZ Keys Classic Demo …decided to purchase the program.

    First attempt at install failed because it detected “another instance of the program already on the computer.
    Uninstalled demo program, proceeded with installation.

    When attempting to update to current version… got the error message “1305” ( screen capture image attached)

    After researching heavily …restarting Windows 8.1 without allservices or in Safe Mode …still nothing

    Discovered the error “1305 is a very common occurrence …

    Still cannot solve the problem

    Also cannot install the Boogie MIDI pak because it requires current version


    Thank You and Best Regards

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  • Scott Eshleman

    searched the forum. found this thread. maybe it’ll help.

    Roy Cunningham

    Thank you for sharing that…

    It will help get this straightened out … I may have to dig very deeply …unless someone at Toontrack Support can refer me to updated information…

    Best Regards


    Well, the path in you error message would indicate that you haven’t fully Extracted the ZIP file before running the .exe file, so I recommend first trying to right-click and ‘Extract all…’ if you haven’t already. Then follow the info and advice in the links posted.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Roy Cunningham

    Hi John …than you for your response.
    I wish that were the case… unfortunately it’s not

    Here’s what I’ve done so far…

    1. downloaded EZ Keys Classics demo …loved it (still do)
    2. Purchased full version and 2 midi paks ..Blues and Boogie
    3. On first attempt to install full version…got a message instructing me to delete the current demo install
    4. Uninstalled demo … deleted all references to the program, including keys in registry
    5. Installed full version …no problem. Why isn’t the full version the current version?
    6. Installed blues midi pak …AOK
    7. Attempted to install Boogie pak …it stated the current (updated) version of EZ Keys must be present before this can be installed
    8. Attempted to install update … Error message as described

    I’ve placed the unzipped file in the root of C:/ …many references indicate trying to install from the highest order in the path….

    I’ve unzipped all files numerous times…. could I possibly have made an error there somehow?

    I’ve deleted everything …as best I can …re-downloaded, unzipped and nothing.

    The link(s) suggested above are not referencing Windows 8.1 …they are from 2009 – 2010…
    I cite this because recently …I had a similar problem when uninstalling / reinstalling Google Chrome
    It is a widely encountered problem

    Truthfully, I cannot remember the exact last step I did to remedy the situation…
    I can however relate it was a key somewhere deep in the way Windows 8.1 stores data… on C:/

    The file was a reference to the Chrome update…it prevented any update installs

    I have also lowered the User Account Control to “0” protection in an attempt to bypass any problems with that

    I’ve run the updater as administrator….

    I suspect there is something somewhere on drive “C” which is blocking the attempt to install the update

    Additionally …when “1305…et al…” displayed I was able to view the file in question in User/(MY NAME)/ App Data/ Local/ Temp

    Does this help you to further advise me?

    Thanks Again and Best Regards

    When the problem is remedied, I will share the results for others


    I have asked my colleagues for some assistance here, since I’m more of a Mac guy. Used to be a PC geek but that was another millennium 😉

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Roy Cunningham

    Hello John …thanks so much for your help / assistance.

    Here is another bit of info I’ve just uncovered…

    First is a link explaining a similar problem …

    Secondly…I’ve attached a bit of the Command prompt screen demonstrating a deficiency in the suggested solution.
    Where the shortcoming lies …I do not know…

    However this is the path I am taking to remedy my problem….

    Again …this can be useful information for others experiencing the same difficulty.

    As an aside …I’ve had a similar problem with another vendor’s software…. It turned out to be a file created by the program which was also hidden that controlled how the software opens… in my case …it opened incorrectly …so we shared this with other users and helped a lot of people who were having the same issue…

    We will solve this …I’ll bet good money it is easy in plain sight and I cannot see it yet

    Best Regards

    Roy Cunningham

    Again …Thank You for your help
    I’ve been a Toontrack customer for a while …this is the first instance of its’ kind in over ten years….



    Let’s try our best to keep you happy the next 10, then 😉

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Roy Cunningham


    for the record …I’m happy with the program!!! …and Toontrack and you!

    things like this happen all the time …

    …looking forward to solving the problem and helping someone else to do same!!!

    Best Regards John

    Scott Eshleman

    @musec03 said:
    Here is another bit of info I’ve just uncovered…
    First is a link explaining a similar problem …

    The Windows Installer issue mentioned is also part of the thread whose link I posted earlier.
    The Microsoft KnowledgeBase reference to the issue is:

    @musec03 said:
    Secondly…I’ve attached a bit of the Command prompt screen demonstrating a deficiency in the suggested solution.

    Not seeing any attachment.

    Roy Cunningham

    @gseshleman said:
    Hello gseshleman

    Let’s see if this one goes through….
    Thanks for stopping by!

    @musec03 said:
    Secondly…I’ve attached a bit of the Command prompt screen demonstrating a deficiency in the suggested solution.

    Not seeing any attachment.




    the info I have received from the people in the know is that :
    it’s definitely not normal to receive such messages, i.e a user seemingly prevented to access an MSI that has just been extracted from a setup.exe to a temporary folder he should have full access to, which is what is happening here. I don’t think the max path length is being hit here either, there is nothing peculiar about it that would make me inclined to think that’s why the file “can’t be found”.
    I would say the correct way to attempt to resolve the matter is to try Microsoft specialist tool and see if that helps:

    Please report back when you have tried it,

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Roy Cunningham

    HI John …you are absolutely correct … there should be no problem accessing that temporary .msi file.

    After verifying and revrifying “permissions” in all aspects of the file system, One can overlook the blatantly not so obvious….

    Here’s how the problem was solved
    Basically, I copied the .msi file which Error 1305 states cannot be found …etc for the updater 64 bit version to the desktop
    …after doing that, the updater ran and Voila!

    This came after customer support and I exchanged a goodly amount of emails with screenshots and such….

    Perhaps this thread can be archived somehow into a “Quick Fix” in case others experience the same problem.

    It’s a somewhat unusual occurrence however there are references to the same issue with a lot of current software

    I just had a similar situation with an R & R of Chrome … the original crashed during update…
    Attempts to reinstall the program were tortuous at best…

    Here’s a bit of my report… and may I add …a big Thank You to customer support folks who stayed with this until it was resolved.

    041216 STEPS to REMEDY Error 1305 when attempting to update EZ KEys

    getting us a step closerr to remedying the problem of updating EZ Keys to current version

    Received email from support about MS Fix It

    Ran Fix it several times …there is an attached image showing “no problems found”
    …encountered this several times as I ran Fix It and chose
    “Problems with Uninstall and Install”

    ran Fix IT again and specified “Uninstall”
    went through C:/ as best I could to delete any references to Toontrack / EZ Keys
    open Registry deleted “Toontrack / EZ Keys references in Hkey_Current User and
    HKey_Local Machine …also deleted keys in WOW64

    *** NOTE *** Apparently Fix It does not remove all traces of programs

    Discovered directory in User …found hexadecimal files dated 04/04/ – 11
    that coincide with all attempts to update EZ Keys

    Thanks Again to You for Your Time Spent on this
    Best Regards


    Good to hear!

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Roy Cunningham

    Thank You John …buying more MIDI paks today!

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