Asked for this a few years back and despite this, there seem to have been several very similar sets of studio drum kits.
There are loads of very good Kontakt based drums for cinematic and orchestral drums. Things like orchestral bass drums, snares, timpani, cymbals etc. The there are the more ethnic and bombastic drums such as Ensembles playing Frame Drums, Taikos, Toms, Surdu etc (think Hans Zimmer Dark Knight etc).
However Kontakt is not a great environment for mapping an playing drums and bashing a keyboard is not the ideal tool.
So come on, do something different, bring out some orchestral/cinematic drums!
Think along the lines of these companies: Spitfire Audio Hans Zimmer Percussion, Cinesamples CinePerc, Heavyocity Damage, East West Hollywood Percussion.
And give us the Midi grooves with it!!