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edrum roland mapping

E-drum Workshop
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  • John


    the Toontrack MIDI has another, more extensive mapping than the Roland E-drum mapping. So it’s not strange.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Ang Patrick

    @John said:


    the Toontrack MIDI has another, more extensive mapping than the Roland E-drum mapping. So it’s not strange.

    Hi, so I shld use Roland mapping? And also how does the velocity controlled hats, ghost the hats and hats vel variations works? Under presets>midi node>practical and creative.



    when E-drumming, you should use the Roland mapping. If you work with GM or Toontrack MIDI, you should use the Default MIDI Mapping.

    The Velocity controlled/ hats vel variations presets are MIDI-nodes switching articulation per velocity range, instead of using CC data to open/close.

    The ‘Ghost The Hats’ Preset is showing an example on what kind of creative stuff you can create with the MIDI-nodes.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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