Editing Individual Hits within Ezdrummer 2

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • Henrik

    Yes, you can use any MIDI in the DAW, put that on the EZdrummer track and EZdrummer will play that.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    Larry Lachmann

    So with EZD, the midi will always have to wind up on EZD’s own song track eventually? I cannot make EZD a software instrument in Logic, and sequence that way?


    Yes, you can use EZdrummer without it’s song track – just like any other software instrument. Just place EZdrummer as an instrument in Logic and add some MIDI notes in a MIDI block in Logic (or just click on the piano roll in the MIDI edit area) and you’ll notice that EZdrummer plays that :)

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    Larry Lachmann

    Thanks very much Henrik!


    @TRGL said:

    If Toontrack choose to implement the following features I think they would make EZD2 even more outstanding and flexible:

    – ability to choose function “Edit individual hits” when right-clicking a MIDI block in the song track. This should open a classic midi editor window with keyboard to the left (relevant keys named according to note mapping in PDF of selected EZX), timeline and grid with all hits included in particular block. Great to have the possibilty of moving hits, change velocity and quantization. “Edit Play Style” function is awesome but this additional feature would be beneficial adding more flexibility into process of creating desired groove and significant improvement in workflow.
    – ability to select/have multiple time signatures in the same song.

    Thank you.

    When can we expect to have this new functionality available?



    EZ drummer has pretty good sounds, but I miss the editing capabilities of my 20 year old boss drum machine. I just assumed there was a way to edit individual tracks, I don’t think it’s asking for too much. The perfect/good argument holds no weight with me, this is really simple stuff. I suspect it’s intentionally absent in order to sell copies of superior. I’m really not happy with my EZ drummer purchase at all.


    No updates to EZD2 software for a long time now. Any update to be released soon?



    I use an app from fingerlab DM1 on my ipad to easily input the hits I want and then just import it into EZDrummer.  I get exactly what I want that way.  Then use Edit Play Style in EZD to bring the velocity to where I want as well as create variations of my pattern.  It takes a couple extra steps but it is doable.  Yes it would be great if EZD had a built in Step Sequencer.  I hope they do.  It would be an upgrade worth the $$.

    chad hiester

    Its alot about “alt – left click” to cut/split sections you need to edit – also zooming in mousewheel befor cutting/splitting ensures exact precision. Also a cut/split note can be right clicked on and muted to test the results – and another is a cut/split section can also be used with the edit wheel to add/subtract notes – slowing down parts also works well for new beats using “Fills”

    Im doing full deep edits myself so it is possible – im thinking of making a video on deep editing

    chad hiester

    3 things to improve editing

    1- split track into: 1/4 1/8 etc – this way you can right click and mute parts in editor to sample and then delete whatever you dont want

    2- “zoom to fit”/”zoom all the way in” – on tick marker for precise editing of notes

    3- Right click and “Replace”: One with Other – e.g kick with snare/hihat with ride etc after splitting notes


    CRH – your replies tell me that this can be done. Have you given any more thought to doing  a how-to video? I’m at a point where I need to do some editing and keeping it all in EZD2 would be much simpler. ‘Thanks!


    Hi. I just purchased EZD2 and also suggest more support for single hit editing. I bought EZBass when it was released and one of the greatest features in it is the groove editor so I  was a bit disappointed when trying to figure out how to move one kick note. It would be nice also for the drums that I  am not completely locked into pre-made patterns without leaving ezd2. I guess im spoiled by ezbass.

    • The post has been modified 2 times, last modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Mistro49.


    Thanked by: Kenthany Kelly
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