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Editing Individual Hits within Ezdrummer 2

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • infaddict


    I am very close to buying EZ2 but I have the same question as the OP here. It looks like EZ2 is great for finding grooves and quickly altering opening hit or power hand etc. But I haven’t seen how to edit individual hits (the midi roll is a tiny part of the screen down the bottom). I plan to use EZ2 to create backing tracks and will therefore be mimicing drum hits hit for hit, so need close editing control. Can I do this in EZ2 or have to use the piano roll in my DAW?

    Thanks in advance.

    Ken Luco

    Hi Guys,
    I have been using EZ drummer since its inception. I simply drag the drum tracks into a track in Cubase. I can open the midi part and edit anything and everything. In FL Studio it is a bit trickier. I assign one drum pattern to a single pattern and then insert it into the play list. I name them accordingly (Intro, verse 1 chorus 2 etc.)
    I hope this helps


    Thanked by: foontar

    Thanks Ken.

    So I use Reaper as my DAW. All the videos and tutorials I’ve seen seem to focus on using the EZ2 GUI to do all the work and don’t focus on the workflow and interaction between EZ2 and DAW. So if I did like you suggested and dragged the midi items from EZ2 into Reaper, then I use Reaper piano roll to make edits, how do I reflect those changes back into EZ2?


    Thanked by: Keith Wagner and Patrick Graham
    Ken Luco

    I am not familiar with Reaper but all DAWS work similarly. Once I have my drum track laid out and edited in a Cubase track, I just make sure that the track it is on is set to play back through EZ2. Make sure your midi numbers are set the same. I don’t bother bringing it back in, I just launch the cool sounds of EZ2 from the DAW. This also allows me to create an extra midi channel or two. also playing back through EZ2 that I use to control cymbals, snare rolls, sound effects through a separate mixer track including special effects. I hope this helps!


    If your host support MIDI to be dragged out, you can simply drag the MIDI from the host to EZdrummer 2’s timeline again. If not, you can export the MIDI and then drag it from your hard drive into EZdrummer 2.

    Further, you can record enable EZdrummer 2. If you have Follow Host enabled in EZdrummer and press play in your host, the drum MIDI should be recorded into EZdrummers time line.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    Thanks guys I will give this a try.


    If Toontrack choose to implement the following features I think they would make EZD2 even more outstanding and flexible:

    – ability to choose function “Edit individual hits” when right-clicking a MIDI block in the song track. This should open a classic midi editor window with keyboard to the left (relevant keys named according to note mapping in PDF of selected EZX), timeline and grid with all hits included in particular block. Great to have the possibilty of moving hits, change velocity and quantization. “Edit Play Style” function is awesome but this additional feature would be beneficial adding more flexibility into process of creating desired groove and significant improvement in workflow.
    – ability to select/have multiple time signatures in the same song.

    Thank you.



    Agree absolutely with this.

    It’s fine not to include the more advanced aspects of midi editing and tracking, but it would be a massive improvement to provide basic note position/velocity/pitch correction capacity. Particularly since you can only test the playback properly within EZD.

    Andrew Barrett

    Yes, please let this happen, I’d love to actually be able to write/edit midi within toontrack


    Are y’all talking about using EZD2 in standalone mode?

    David Levy

    Using EZD2 in PRO TOOLS …., is a total ” P.I.T.A ” :(

    …, What SUX is ….., If I want to edit a hit ….,

    – I have to export the Midi out of EZD2 and dump it somewhere on my hard-drive
    …, Then I have to Import the midi file from there back into pro Tools , so I can edit the file in Pro Tools Midi Editor window.

    …., then getting that Midi file back into EZD2 is the same P.I.T.A procedure , but reversed …., why oh why cant these be drop and drag straight out of EZD2 into pro Tools ?


    Thanked by: JohnLiv and Patrick Graham
    Scott Eshleman

    @David Levy said:
    Using EZD2 in PRO TOOLS …., is a total ” P.I.T.A ” :(
    …, What SUX is ….., If I want to edit a hit ….,
    – I have to export the Midi out of EZD2 and dump it somewhere on my hard-drive
    …, Then I have to Import the midi file from there back into pro Tools , so I can edit the file in Pro Tools Midi Editor window.
    …., then getting that Midi file back into EZD2 is the same P.I.T.A procedure , but reversed …., why oh why cant these be drop and drag straight out of EZD2 into pro Tools ?

    what version of Pro Tools are you using??
    I’m using Pro Tools 11 and I can easily drag my EZDrummer2 song timeline straight into Pro Tools
    as a whole track or in block pieces – from the plug-in or from the standalone.

    I’ve used EZDrummer1 for years. I also have SuperiorDrummer2.
    EZDrummer2 is a great product as is and is not a purchase that I regret.

    Yes, I agree that there is room for improvement and that EZDrummer2 can be made better;
    Yes, I’d love to see a piano roll-style MIDI editor.
    I know for a fact that Toontrack listens to their customers and I “let not the perfect be the enemy of the good”.


    Hi David,

    user gseshleman is right, draggin from the EZD 2 plugin to you Pro Tools Instrument or MIDI Track is definitely possible, a mouse click and drag only.
    Recording a short edited piece from your Instrument Track in Pro Tools directly back to your EZD 2 Song Track is also just 2-3 mouse-clicks.
    You can also zoom in on the Song Track and make 2 cuts on either side of the missing/offending hit(s) and use the Edit Play Style on that mini part to edit with the Amount knob or Right-click+Cut.
    But your request for editing individual hits has surely been noted earlier, since it has been made by others in the Feedback & Requests section.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanked by: GrooVince
    David Levy

    cheers John and gseshiman …, sorry , as yes I can drag from ezd2 to PT 11.2.1 …., but not back ot ezd2 from pro tools …., which is likely a DAW issue.

    I was aware of the edit play style , thx anyway John :) , I use it sometimes – and it is a great feature , as is many others in ezd2

    …., and I must add that I am originally a SD2 user , but bought ezd2 specifically for its new features that are not available in SD2 …, so yes I do appreciate the talents the toontrack guys have bought to the table with exd2

    EZD2 out of the box may almost be a near perfect product if the songwriting process involved starting of with a beat and forcing your; Riff/chords/lyrics/ melodies/ etc – around the beat …, but personally Ive always had the ideas for ; Riff/chords/lyrics/ or melodies/ etc always come first, and therefore I must mould the beat to suit that idea …., so yeah sure , there is always stacks of editing ….., like lengthening/ shortening / adding or removing hits / or shuffling hits around / changing what drum plays what and where / adding swing / ….., the list goes on ……………….,

    I’d love to see some midi editing features added so we can stay in the program (which you are aware already) and Id really love to see the search function also check our 3rd party midi libraries ( even it tags are not included with this search feature request .

    I am hoping Superior Drummer 3 comes out with all these included (when it is released) ….., I surely then will be saving mega hours of time to create my intended beats …, and will certainly be a very happy camper with all that extra free time up my sleeve ……………………, cheers guys :)

    Larry Lachmann

    Hi guys-
    i’m brand new to EZ 2, so please forgive me if this is a dumb question.
    Besides dragging a songs midi onto a logic track and editing, then dragging back to EZD2,… If I want to, can I just sequence in Logic Pro X and use EZD2 as the midi instrument?

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