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DW5000 EP-1 Kick pedal needs help

E-drum Workshop
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  • anonymous_3

    just found this. The Hart Hammer Kick pad. Looks like a quick easy replacement. Anyone ever used one of these?

    Mark King

    I don’t know anything about the pad you have but what module are you using it with? Have you tried another pad trigger in the same input as you may have the triger input set so that it responds in this way. Are you only trying sensativety? It may be pad type setting or other trigger settings.

    SD3 with older sdx,s plus Rooms of Hansa and Death & Darkness. Cubase and wavelab current versions. Roland TD50x using all trigger inputs for triggering SD3 only. Windows 11 computer. Various keyboards and outboard gear as well as VST instruments. Acoustic drums: Yamaha 9000 natural wood and Pearl masters. Various snare drums. RME BabyFace Pro FS and Adam A7X monitors


    I’m using it with a Drumkat and there’s also a sensitivity knob on the trigger itself. I’ve tried every setting possible and the trigger is very un dynamic. I think it’s the rubber or the trigger itself. I went ahead and ordered the Hart Hammer kick. Looks like an easy direct replacement and I think will be better. We’ll see.
    If not then I’m going to keep looking for a mesh type pad that I can get for a good deal.



    just a follow up to say that I’ve replaced the original trigger pad on the DW EP-1 with a Hart Hammer Kick pad and it’s amazing how much better it is. Great feel, great triggering with no misses. I should have done this years ago!

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