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dual zone toms and ezdrummer tom rimshots

E-drum Workshop
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  • Juicy

    I would first say yes but they are just different midi numbers and i think EZx’s have the rims too.What drum module do you have?
    In Roland TD 4 wont give you Dual zone toms but Td9 upwards will.


    EZdrummer (Rock/Pop kit) has rimshot articulations on the toms. You would need to check the Layout pdf file (in the ‘?’ menu) to see at what MIDI note they reside. You then need to check your Alesis unit if you can assign the correct MIDI notes for those rimshot articulations.

    With Superior Drummer 2, you can map an incoming MIDI note to any articulation using the ‘Learn’ button so it’s quick and easy to map.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Layout pdf file is not in my help file, if you are refering to the keyboard layout then I found that on the Toontrack site. In any case, there are no labels on it for tom rim shots. Can you please tell me if I was looking at the correct file? If so, what would the tom rim shots be labelled as on the keyboard layout?


    Racktom 1 Rimshot: Note 82
    Racktom 2 Rimshot: Note 80
    Floortom 1 Rimshot: Note 75

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    hmmm… these note #s you gave me sound exactly like the centre of the toms… are these note#s the correspond to the note #s in the cubase drum mapper as well as the ‘sound #s’ in the cubase drum editor?


    Those are the note numbers that correspond to the ‘Rimshot’ articulation as I see them in Superior Drummer 2 (would be the same in EZdrummer). They don’t sound the same to me. Those ‘rimshots’ have a harder ‘stick’ attach sound whilst the center hits have a rounder sound.

    Perhaps you are looking for a ‘rim only’ sound for the toms and not a ‘rimshot’ sound? A ‘rimshot’ articulation is when the drummer hits the the head at the same time hitting the rim of the drum also. If you want just the ‘rim only’ sound, I’m afraid that the Pop/Rock kit with EZdrummer doesn’t have that articulation for the toms.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    To add to the above:

    There are some EZX expansion packs that do have ‘rim only’ articulations. Funkmasters EZX, Jazz EZX, and Americana EZX if I remember correctly.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    HHello I am trying to stop my tom-toms from sounding like symbols on the rim shots I have a Roland TD 17 Ggo ing through easy drummer two tthanks

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