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Drum triggers Yamaha 522

E-drum Workshop
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  • Henrik

    Latency is when the audio is played a time after the MIDI has been sent from your e-kit. When it comes above a certain time, say 10 ms, it starts to get noticeable. To make the latency lower, decrease the buffer size. If the buffer size becomes to small for the CPU to handle, audio glitches will be audible, so the buffer size should be as small as possible, without introducing any audio glitches.

    If SD3 sometimes isn’t playing the notes at all it’s not a latency issue, it’s probably something with the e-drums that makes them not registering your hits.

    Check the MIDI monitor, in either the drums tab, or in Settings/E-drums, to see if all hits are registered. You can also try to record something that you play, and see if all the hits are recorded.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

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