Download versions vs disc

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  • Scott

    I have the download version of EZDrummer. Is it the same as the shipped version?


    I’m thinking of upgrading to Superior. Is the download version all I need or do I also need to get something shipped to get the full product?

    The download version of S2 just gives you access to a ‘teaser’ download to use while you wait for discs to be shipped to you. The S2 library (and SDXs) are just too large for reliable downloading of the full product.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanks Scott. So even if I buy a download version of Metal Foundry it would be a teaser and I’d need the discs?

    Is there a way to get everything shipped so I can buy what I want over time by download and just install and authorize what I buy? For SD2 that is.


    So even if I buy a download version of Metal Foundry it would be a teaser and I’d need the discs?


    Is there a way to get everything shipped so I can buy what I want over time by download and just install and authorize what I buy? For SD2 that is.

    Depending where you are in the world you can purchase from a dealer through the VSSD system (Guitar Center for example). The VSSD system sells/ships ALL Toontrack products released at the time the box was manufactured and is a great way to buy, especially for Superior. That way, if you want to but an SDX in the future you’ll already have the discs.

    Note, if you do buy from GC, make sure they do sell you the VSSD ‘Black Box’ when you leave the store…they seem to forget how it works sometimes.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor



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