Download Problem

Product Manager
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  • John

    Hi Kevin,

    by looking at the logs, it seems like it went well and you have installed and Authorised OK now?


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    @John said:
    Hi Kevin,

    by looking at the logs, it seems like it went well and you have installed and Authorised OK now?


    Hi John,
    I’m confused. Please address why I am reading on my screen:

    ! Download of “Superior Drummer 3 Library has stopped,
    file could not be written to.

    Why isn’t it saying “Download Complete” ?
    39.9 GB of 40.5 was downloaded.
    Why won’t the entire 40.5 download?
    No it’s not going well.
    I’ve tried to download many times….it get almost to the end and I get the above message.
    What logs are you looking at?


    Kevin Williams

    I would try connecting with a cable, if not already!
    Has been know to work. WiFi tends to retry if there’s an error in the packets etc. Can be an endless loop or just hanging!


    “File could not be written to” is a very unusual and strange error. If you copy/paste the following command to Terminal, what does it say?

    tail ~/Library/Application Support/Toontrack/Product Manager/Errlog.txt

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    @Olof said:
    “File could not be written to” is a very unusual and strange error. If you copy/paste the following command to Terminal, what does it say?

    tail ~/Library/Application Support/Toontrack/Product Manager/Errlog.txt  

    I know how to copy & paste but to “Terminal”……what/where is that?


    It’s an application found in Applications > Utilities. Launch it, paste that line there and press enter.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    @Olof said:
    It’s an application found in Applications > Utilities. Launch it, paste that line there and press enter.  

    2017-09-29 19:37:47: Error: can’t open file ‘/Users/home/Library/Application Support/Toontrack/Product Manager/Installers/TTSI_1.3.0_13329.incomplete/’ (error 2: No such file or directory)
    2017-09-29 19:37:47: Error: can’t open file ‘/Users/home/Library/Application Support/Toontrack/Product Manager/Installers/TTSU_1.3.0_13329.incomplete/’ (error 2: No such file or directory)
    2017-09-29 19:37:47: Error: can’t open file ‘/Users/home/Library/Application Support/Toontrack/Product Manager/Installers/SDXI_1.3.6_18244.incomplete/’ (error 2: No such file or directory)
    2017-09-29 19:37:47: Error: can’t open file ‘/Users/home/Library/Application Support/Toontrack/Product Manager/Installers/SDXU_1.3.6_18244.incomplete/SDXU_136_1


    Hm, okay, so nothing relevant in the error log. Now please copy/paste this command to Terminal:

    ls -leOd “`/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c ‘Print DownloadLocation’ ~/Library/Preferences/com.toontrack.productmanager.plist`/SL-SuperiorDrummer3_SDX_Part1.incomplete/Contents/SL-SuperiorDrummer3/Sounds/soundb2.obw”

    It shows some info about the last file you tried to download.

    What kind of disk are you downloading to? Brand, file system, internal/external, SSD/HDD? How much space is left on it?

    If you try to resume the download from where it has stopped, do you immediately get the error again, or what happens?

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    @Olof said:
    Hm, okay, so nothing relevant in the error log. Now please copy/paste this command to Terminal:

    ls -leOd “`/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c ‘Print DownloadLocation’ ~/Library/Preferences/com.toontrack.productmanager.plist`/SL-SuperiorDrummer3_SDX_Part1.incomplete/Contents/SL-SuperiorDrummer3/Sounds/soundb2.obw”

    It shows some info about the last file you tried to download.

    What kind of disk are you downloading to? Brand, file system, internal/external, SSD/HDD? How much space is left on it?

    If you try to resume the download from where it has stopped, do you immediately get the error again, or what happens?  

    Last login: Wed Oct 11 23:05:00 on console
    Admins-iMac:~ admin$ ls -leOd “`/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c ‘Print DownloadLocation’ ~/Library/Preferences/com.toontrack.productmanager.plist`/SL-SuperiorDrummer3_SDX_Part1.incomplete/Contents/SL-SuperiorDrummer3/Sounds/soundb2.obw”

    2011 Imac
    1 TB Internal Sata Disk
    408 Available space
    If I try downloading from where it left stopped it tries to download but doesn’t. The “wheels spin” but after about a minute the Message comes up.


    You need to press enter after pasting the command.

    408 GB available?

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    @Olof said:
    You need to press enter after pasting the command.

    408 GB available?  

    Last login: Sun Oct 15 15:50:33 on ttys000
    Admins-iMac:~ admin$ ls -leOd “`/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c ‘Print DownloadLocation’ ~/Library/Preferences/com.toontrack.productmanager.plist`/SL-SuperiorDrummer3_SDX_Part1.incomplete/Contents/SL-SuperiorDrummer3/Sounds/soundb2.obw”
    -rw-r–r– 1 admin staff – 1932509028 Oct 15 12:08 /Users/admin/Downloads/Toontrack/SL-SuperiorDrummer3_SDX_Part1.incomplete/Contents/SL-SuperiorDrummer3/Sounds/soundb2.obw
    Admins-iMac:~ admin$

    Yes 408 Gig Available
    Also I have a fresh 1TB USB External Drive. I just got this to put all samples on.


    Hm, well, one thing you can try:

    1. Go to {Mac HD}/Users/admin/Downloads/Toontrack/SL-SuperiorDrummer3_SDX_Part1.incomplete/Contents/SL-SuperiorDrummer3/Sounds.
    2. Duplicate soundb2.obw (select the file and press cmd-D).
    3. Rename “soundb2.obw” to “soundb2.obw BAD”.
    4. Rename “soundb2.obw copy” to “soundb2.obw”.
    5. Resume the download.

    If that doesn’t help, try changing the download location to your external disk – change the location in Preferences (to a new folder “Toontrack Downloads” on the external disk) and then use the Move Downloads button to move existing downloads (incomplete ones at least) there.

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    @Olof said:
    Hm, well, one thing you can try:

    1. Go to {Mac HD}/Users/admin/Downloads/Toontrack/SL-SuperiorDrummer3_SDX_Part1.incomplete/Contents/SL-SuperiorDrummer3/Sounds.
    2. Duplicate soundb2.obw (select the file and press cmd-D).
    3. Rename “soundb2.obw” to “soundb2.obw BAD”.
    4. Rename “soundb2.obw copy” to “soundb2.obw”.
    5. Resume the download.

    If that doesn’t help, try changing the download location to your external disk – change the location in Preferences (to a new folder “Toontrack Downloads” on the external disk) and then use the Move Downloads button to move existing downloads (incomplete ones at least) there.  

    I couldn’t complete the instructions 1 trough 5 as you described.
    i got this message when trying to duplicate…….
    “The Finder can’t complete the operation because some data in “soundb2.obw” can’t be read or written. (Error code -36)

    I tried to download as you described to my external hard drive with the same results.
    I takes over a day to download and gets to the very end and stops.
    This time it downloaded 39.6 of 40.5….Then got the “File could not be written to” as described earlier.
    It was strange because as I was watching the download and it read 40.5 of 40.5 downloaded but the clock countdown made it to 8 sec then went back up to one 4 min.
    It tried to countdown again but that’s when I got the dreaded “File” message.



    Weird. Are you sure it got downloaded to the external disk this time? (You can click Show Details and then choose Show in Finder from the menu next to the download.)

    Error code -36 indicates there is a disk corruption. Try Applications > Utilities > Disk Utility and “Run First Aid…” (or Verify disk, depending on what version you have).

    I see in the logs that you are now having problems with the file soundb19.obw instead of soundb2.obw. You can try to rename soundb19.obw to something else and then try to resume the download (siimilar to the steps I listed but skipping duplicate as it probably wouldn’t work).

    What macOS version are you on, by the way?

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    Hello I encountered a similar problem but right about when the download was about to finish i got a message saying “The remote file size is not what it is expected to be. File ID: 721” please help!! I am downloading it to an external drive and there is definitely enough space

    Operating system: macOS Mojave (10.14)
    • This post was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by josevb.
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