Does trigging with td-12 work perfect with Superior after the latest update?

E-drum Workshop
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  • plink

    I will let you know tonight.  🙂

    btw… If the hi-hat issue is the only reason you haven’t bought S2… you should go buy it right now. Even with the hi-hat problem (which is its only problem imo) it is still worth every single cent that you pay.

    Trust me when I say, there is NO other piece of software on the market that gives you this level of quality in drums, or the ability to make the kit sound exactly as you want it. Period.


    Well I’ve installed the patch, and tested it out.

    And guess what…. I think Toontrack has done it. It sounds/plays MUCH better. Still maybe not completely perfect… but if they were a 3/10 before on the hi-hat… they are at least a 7/10 now.

    (To Toontrack:) I think there is still a little bit of ‘cleanup’ needed when a lot of hi-hat samples are ‘triggered’ at once. Maybe a bit better algorithm when deciding what overwrites what… But it is very playable now. Thanks guys!


    Thank you very much for letting me know.
    This ‘cleanup’, is it at hard procedure?

    As you might understand I would like to have as little fuzz as possible trigging Superior.


    Sorry… that last paragraph was meant as a comment to the guys at Toontrack, regarding the update. Not to you.

    The setup process of S2 with an edrum kit is pretty painless in my opinion. The preset ‘edrum’ setup is a pretty good starting point. But there is always a little ‘tweaking’ needed to get it playing perfectly. (but this is the same with every drum software program)

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