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Does the Jazz EZX kit come with midi?

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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    Heck, for that matter does the Nashville EZX expansion kit come with midi? The descriptions for the Jazz & Nashville EZX kit’s don’t mention midi.


    Yes they both do and they do mention who played the midi.


    Thanks Juicy. Still don’t see where the descriptions of either of those EZX expansion paks covers included Midi. TT’s descriptions have always been a little ambiguous on that end. Maybe all the EZX paks come with included midi drum loops.


    All EZXs include MIDI.

    Click the ‘Details’ tab under the product pages for details of what is included in each EZX as well as the credits.

    For the Jazz EZX:

    ‘The MIDI files for the Jazz EZX® were played by David Haynes, Atlanta, GA, USA & by Morgan Ågren and Per Mikaelsson, Toontrack Studios, Umea Sweden.’

    For the Nashville EZX:

    ‘The MIDI files for the Nashville EZX® were played by Harry Stinson at New Polyphony, Nashville, USA.’

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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