Does EZDrummer2 make Vintage Rock EZX redundant?

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • John


    not the same studio, drummer nor session.
    Definitely not the same drums; the Ludwig Snare in EZDrummer 2 Vintage is the Ludwig 400 whereas it is Black Beauty and Supraphonic in Vintage Rock.
    You also get a Gretsch Snare in EZd2 Vintage and a Slingerland in Vintage Rock EZX.
    The Toms are Ludwig Vistalite and 60’s in EZd2 Vintage and Ludwig Keystone in the Vintage Rock EZX.
    Cymbals are mostly Sabian in EZd2 Vintage and mostly Zildjian in the Vintage Rock EZX.

    No redundancy.

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Michael Holloway

    Awesome. thanks for the detailed clarification. I’ll be buying vintage rock EZX 🙂

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