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Does anybody write drums for people?

Studio Corner
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  • ThoughtLanguage

    What kind of music? Any specific preferences needed? Perhaps any samples of your tunes?


    Hey there,

    It’s a pet hobby of mine actually if you want to fling me the link to something or PM me and we can sort something out



    Mark King

    I’ve done quite a few CD’s for people. Depends what you want and how many tracks. I’d give one a go for the fun of it

    SD3 with older sdx,s plus Rooms of Hansa and Death & Darkness. Cubase and wavelab current versions. Roland TD50x using all trigger inputs for triggering SD3 only. Windows 11 computer. Various keyboards and outboard gear as well as VST instruments. Acoustic drums: Yamaha 9000 natural wood and Pearl masters. Various snare drums. RME BabyFace Pro FS and Adam A7X monitors


    I do. Basically every style, except for Latin and and heavy metal
    This is how I work: A stereo file (preferred without a beat idea) with count in en tempo is send to me. I make up a beat and sound to my taste. So far so good.
    I’m using a TD-12:
    Superior 2: all SDX
    Ez drummer: Pop/Rock, Cocktail, Electronic, Jazz, Nashville, The Classic, Twisted, Vintage Rock
    BFD2+Evil Joe’s Glam Kit, YHG Kit 1
    Abbey Road Drums: 60’s and 80’s Drums
    Steven Slate Drums: Platinum
    Addictive Drums
    Sometimes Stylus RMX for loops layers in consultation with.

    Let me know

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