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Do I Need Ad-Pacs or Midi Pacs?

EZdrummer Pre-sales
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  • sirthought

    Just my opinion, but I’d say look for MIDI packs to expand your options for getting quick and new drum tracks set up. The included kits can take you far if you learn to tweak things.

    As you likely know, EZDrummer 2 has two drumset setups included (Modern and Vintage). Both have multiple snares and kicks and cymbals to look for something decent. Plus you can tweak the pitch, add things like reverb, delay, grit and compression to color the sound. Yes, some of the expansion packs have unique sampled sounding drums that can sound great. But listen to the previews for something like the folk kits, or the pop kits…and then go to the included kits and just try to tweak the settings a bit to get you in that range of sound. It can usually be surprisingly close.

    The MIDI packs offer what most of us really need, which is professionally played parts in a variety of styles that we can start from and edit to fit our compositions.

    I am looking into expansion packs like Dream Pop or Twisted Kit because there are kits in those you won’t get from traditional drum kits. Same with things like Latin. But really you can take a lot of Latin patterns from a MIDI pack and play it on any kit, unless you need sounds from a conga or other percussion instrument.

    Hope this helps.

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