Do I Free up disk space in the Product manager?

Product Manager
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  • John


    if you clean up disk space in the PM, you remove the files downloaded by PM to install your products.

    Once a product is installed, those files are no longer required.




    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanked by: Georges Gholam
    Georges Gholam

    Thank you man


    After deleting those files in Product Manager, why does it then show those as not installed again?



    What do you mean? Did you click ‘Clean up’ and then you products show as not installed?

    What does the ‘Installation Info’ tab say, if you click ‘Show Details’ for a product?

    Which OS are you on? Are your products installed on an internal drive or external? If external, is it connected when they seem not installed?




    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Subject: RE: [Toontrack] Do I Free up disk space in the Product manager?


    Hi John-

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    I had previously started installing the (5) parts via the Product Manager. As each part was completed I saw that ‘Clean Up’ was available to safely remove those files no longer required. So that’s what I did.

    Subsequently, when I checked the ‘downloads’ rather than indicating everything with check marks and saying Installed – Ready To Use. It showed the Download and Install options available once again ‘without the check marks’. As such I repeated the entire process.

    Perhaps that wasn’t necessary and that’s supposed to happen as the data is already installed rand eady for use regardless of clean up?

    The Folder Path used is Drive F: Superior Drummer Libraries and showing all (5) SDX completed parts

    • All (5) Parts are currently installed with the updates.
    • Project Manager is showing 238 GB of disk space available for cleanup.
    • In my Folder Path F: Drive (mentioned above) there is another folder called SD3 Core Sounds (auto created I assume during the install)

    In it there are (5) sub folders named: SD3 Parts 1 through 5 Installed

    These folders are all empty.

    • Is this all correct and does that mean I am good to ‘clean up’ the disk space as suggested?

    What should I see in the Folder Path where the downloads are once ‘Clean Up’ is done? Will those folders contain data or be empty?

    My OS is Windows 7 64 bit. All installed on internal drives.

    I won’t activate ‘Clean Up’ until I get your reply.

    Thanks again.

    Much appreciated.






    I am not sure why your parts showed as not installed, perhaps something went wrong when you ‘Cleaned Up’ before all parts were installed?

    Anyhow, if all parts how as Installed and Ready to use, there should be no problem using ‘Clean Up’.

    In PM, you can go to ‘File > Open Download Folder’ to see what is in there before and after ‘Clean Up’ but yes, it should be empty afterwards.




    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanks John-

    I’ve just used ‘Clean Up’. I’ve attached (2) Print Screens of what Product Manager is showing. You’ll notice on the left in the ‘Not Installed Products’ tab is says (5)

    You’ll also see that for Part 1 it shows as *installation incomplete. Basic Sound Library and Sound Library Updates ‘Not Installed’ with the Download available once again. This what I saw the last time I cleaned up.

    Perhaps this is just what Product Manager always shows. I hope so as I really don’t want to go through the entire install process again.




    Hi Lee,


    that doesn’t look right at all. It almost looks as if you installed the Library inside the folder where you Downloaded the installer files?

    If so, then indeed you will erase the Library when you ‘Clean up’.

    Please make sure this is not the case. I presume starting the SD3 standalone will not find the SD3 library now?

    I attach a screen shot of my installation post install and ‘Clean up’.



    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I have the same problem, in that I’ve somehow set the download location to receive the libraries (C:\Users\GT\Downloads\Toontrack). Pretty sure I set this from the Product Manager download options setting.

    Things are obviously getting deleted when I clean up. As a result I’m having to reinstall everything I want to delete. This is a nightmare as I’m beta testing for TT and regularly want to delete.

    I did a quick EZMix pack download just to test out my mistake. I definitely made a mistake!

    So, now I know this, where is the correct location to download my products?


    See copy of my recent post in beta testers forum:

    Frustration reigns here! It’s well known I’m not good with computers but…

    I don’t seem to be able to find that midi library folder. In fact, I cannot find any midi for any Toontrack product, yet here I am using it all.

    For some reason I have Toontrack folders in “program files” and “programsx86 files” folders on the C drive.

    I also have a downloads location set up from the Product Manager. I assumed this location was what was meant by the midi library.

    But I’m stuck now with downloads in Product Manager which I have to re-download in order to be able to delete. This can’t be right. It happens a lot, I mean with every product. I clean up after downloading and installing a product but it seems to nadger up the process so I’ve got to download it again in order to remove it. I’ve tried looking at the show in folder locations listed for each product but the link is greyed out.

    I’m short of storage space so I need to keep things pretty clean. Just this process is prohibitively slow.


    Has anyone else had this problem or got a solution. I even looked at a mass clean out of all my Toontrack products and just starting again but it feels like I’d still have it all over my computer??? help, please… …. …


    I’ve installed All superior drummer library parts ( 1 2 3 4). But when I went to install the library  additional bleed section it has come up with ( Download of superior drummer 3 library bleed" has stopped. There is not enough space left on the disk Macintosh HD. Please free up disk space or change download location in preference.

    My question is that if I use the clean up option on the Product Manager to delete those files which ive already installed; will this then allow me to download and install the ADDITIONAL BLEED section of the library.

    Probably a silly question but I had to ask…


    I’ve installed All superior drummer library parts ( 1 2 3 4). But when I went to install the library  additional bleed section it has come up with ( Download of superior drummer 3 library bleed" has stopped. There is not enough space left on the disk Macintosh HD. Please free up disk space or change download location in preference.

    My question is that if I use the clean up option on the Product Manager to delete those files which ive already installed; will this then allow me to download and install the ADDITIONAL BLEED section of the library.

    Probably a silly question but I had to ask…


    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    worked it out!

    Operating system: Windows 10
    • This post was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by MikeAng77.

    I’m seeing the same problem. I downloaded everything onto my hard drive since I had plenty of room.  Disc cleanup says it can free up 238 GB. Doesn’t make sense. I started with a little over 700 GB. Wish I would have screen shot it. I now have 456 GB.  That’s 244 GB difference. There is no way you can clean up 238 GB and have any files left. So I will copy my 2 through 5 library to an external drive. I won’t clean anything up until I hear what’s goin on. It’s a long process downloading and understandably so but don’t want to do it again. Lol


    What file are trying to get rid of and how big should they be all together? I will do it manually but if it’s not a problem and won’t interfere with anything I will just leave them. Can’t be that big according to my GB used before and after.


    Hi JLDrumStudio,

    the only time there is a problem with deleting the downloaded installation files, is if the user has actually installed the library into the very same location as the downloaded installation files. In such a case, you would wipe the installed library as well.

    IOW, you would set the Download location in the Product Manager Preferences to one location, e.g. ‘Users/YouUserName/Downloads/Toontrack’ and then install into another, e.g. ‘Audio_Drive/Samples/Toontrack’.

    You can check the Details for each Library Part in the Product Manager to see the size of each.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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