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“Dirt” EZX, please!

Requests and Feedback
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  • Whitten

    ORIGINAL: juicy

    My turn sticking my neck out here so…
    After checking,even your big fills never get to 127 in Classic not that its negative at all but if it is rightly reserved for climaxes why are they not really there somewhere ??.
    I program my own but some peeps can’t .

    Shame about Levon what grooves he gave us.

    I think some of you are still misunderstanding me……
    My products reflect the way I hit the drums.
    Therefore a 120 velocity hit triggering one of my samples is just as smacked as if I was playing an acoustic kit on a session. It’s a question of sound, not volume.
    The recording engineer records the sound, but turns the volume down so we don’t distort the channels in Pro Tools.
    If Toontrack are sampling a quieter drummer, maybe the Pro Tools channels get turned up.
    So a 120 hit in Superior is always the same volume, but it’s NEVER the same sound – the sound of a drummer whacking a kit.


    ORIGINAL: fizbin

    I’m actually OK with this. That’s what the volume knob in Superior is for. If the MIDI drummer plays at 127 you’ve got flat dynamics. If you leave a little room you can have dynamics, plus the ability to max out the velocities with the volume knob if you so wish.

    Now that doesn’t mean play like a wimp.

    Yes, I think you are getting it.
    The punk attitude is the drum sound recorded at source. If the drummer is too loud, the volume fader on the studio desk gets turned down, you DON’T ask the drummer to play quieter.

    (By the way, the midi libraries take me weeks of work).
    And I included some Julian Cope type midi songs in both C&V and The Classic.


    Re 127
    Sure your style is very much respected ,No Questions ,

    Keeping it basic and
    thinking of other punters who only have EZDrummer and The Classic but don’t program.Not me.
    They would perhaps like to have at least some snare or toms on fills hitting at 127.
    Simple .I dont need a 101 on recording and dynamics and gain structure.
    I will note all other EZx Midi does get up there ,i guess they are harder hitters,NirZ,Peter F ,Morgen .
    Who cares anyway . It was only a small point.

    Anyhow will be waiting patiently for your Punked up Midi ! > Edit


    this may be of interest for those looking for punk MIDI


    Intel 13900K, Windows 11 , Cubase Pro 13.0.30, Studio One, 64GB RAM, UA Apollo x4 and UA Apollo X8 Thunderbolt,, 64 sample buffer size, Radeon 570, 42″ 4k monitor

    MIDI controller: Roland A-37, Jamstik Studio, MCU Pro + expander
    Drum Brain: Yamaha DTX 900, RHH135 hihat, 2 crash and 1 ride cymbal, 4 toms.


    Mr Wackerman hey !

    On the demo Lots of 1/4 notes on the hats too,love it,especially at over 200 bpm . So right .

    Thanks G


    ORIGINAL: juicy
    I dont need a 101 on recording and dynamics and gain structure.
    I will note all other EZx Midi does get up there ,i guess they are harder hitters,NirZ,Peter F ,Morgen .
    Who cares anyway . It was only a small point.

    Dude, you are still confusing midi numbers with the actual drum sounds recorded.
    120 or 127, they only apply to a sample in a pool.
    The sample is created based on the way I hit. In other words Lars Ulrich’s 127 is the same volume as my 127 in Superior or EZdrummer, EXCEPT, in the studio when the 127 hit was sampled, Lars might have been hitting twice as hard as me. So you hear that in the sound of the drum, not on the number in the midi file.
    So my 120 sample doesn’t become a limp wristed jazz note, just because it isn’t 127.


    Oh and the Brooks Wackerman midi is great.


    ORIGINAL: Whitten

    So my 120 sample doesn’t become a limp wristed jazz note, just because it isn’t 127.

    FuckI Know that and never thought it was limp in sound,this is a joke .I have been on tours (with Brilliant live engineers)and in the studio as a Drummer,multi instrumentalist and Graduated Engineer/Producer myself,Teach and run facilities i own and doing it since i was 17 years old i dont need your base Gain structure 101.I also owned the first Emulator2 in my country as well as Kurzweil Samplers so sampling and midi is not new to me either.
    Your Midi Has no 127 for any hits,you claim above its best to leave that for fills but your fills do not have it as well,no confusion I don’t have a problem with this.
    i am not comparing the timbre or sound to anyone elses and for the 4th time i know what you are saying, i can hear a snare drum when its smacked by a slugger and its nearly internally compressing and when another guy plays the same drum they can coax more tones too ,great so what.
    Just the midi it is simple question.
    Again what do the kids who got Ezdrummer and Classic do if they don’t program but need the toms jump out in the Last Fill or chorus,it is not there and there fader is already on 11.? They need it played at 127 .


    As an aside i have sampled many kits after songs in sessions both for my own collection and to replace mis hits for players who have great performances but missed one hit or whatever.Just a habit and can be done fairly quickly at the time.
    I have found it quite amazing how big Hero 14×7 or 8 inch Snares do not stand up next to even a quick miked Piccolo Snare and its actually the other way around and your turning the Big snare up and up but it just never gets to the same place.
    Obviously tuning and many other things can change results but for me i am never letting go of my old Pearl Piccolo Maple.
    It is surprising how a VU meter dose not lie when it comes to apparent volume .edit <


    I’ve also requested a punk midi library in the past! hopefully they’ll create one soon! I plan on buying the brooks Wackerman pack from platinum samples.. just too pricey.. i’ve bought the groove monkee punk one.. and if you haven’t bought it yet.. save your money! What i would love to see from Toontrack is a SDX of drums similar to Evil Drums.. but sampled by toontrack and more useable!…I’d love to have a SDX full of DW, Pork Pie, OCDP, Truth, Shine, Dark Horse, C&C… you get the idea. I’d kill to have a few OCDP Snares on my tracks.. or a Pork Pie Acrylic snare! mmmnnn! a Punk midi library though is a must! and done right too! I library composed of Travis Barker, Cyrus Bolooki, Atom Willard, Brooks Wackerman,.. just fast, catchy, and sometimes technical drums, I’d pay good money for that! I own all the metal packs, but i can never find what im looking for in there.. i always have to take a groove and edit it a lot to get even close to what i kinda want! I’d love to get an electric kit.. have my drummer do all the beats im looking for and save them inside Superior or in my midi files to use them later but i cant figure out how to do that! and all the tutorials are not that easy to understand!


    Re the “sound”
    I think its more about how its all tuned (or not) and how they go about pulling sounds.
    The TT boys like it clean, even the metal stuff is kinda clean, so i think they need to get someone less famous but excellent and indie with a very ruff approach and tell them requirements and let them capture it.
    This is in no way a slight on any of TT’s work at all, we have many versions of similar Ludwig snares and DW kits which are fine but all clean and kind of similar,even if we get new brands they all end up sounding similar in a mix if they are too perfected. To me it’s the approach/production method that needs to really differ to get to the gritty stuff especially if you want that out of the box.
    Then there’s the midi.


    I agree with you.
    When you’re on the session it’s too easy to go for clean perfection, and forget you might have set out for a few imperfections.
    I do think we went a bit rough with C&V, but not loud and punky I agree.
    When it first came out a few people posted on this forum they thought the drums were all distorted to Pro Tools, but it was actually just the sound of the grainy EMI console.


    We do it because we have naturally go for what is best or expected of us, imperfection is just right in front of us,a choice or 2 away.

    I pulled a great Hawaii Five.O vibe out of The Classics 4 mic setup and felt grateful to you Chris,That has some real aTTitude
    Surf Punk as i was going for The Hitmen version” Aloha steve and danno”


    Damn, I just made a similar request myself, so this is my +1. The engineer on Dirt is Pelle Henricsson who worked on Refused’s album The Shape of Punk to Come as well as their previous album Songs to Fan the Flames of Discontent I believe and the drum sounds on those records are my absolute favorite. I’d pay big money for a Dirt/Pelle Henricsson SDX


    As far as the punk MIDI grooves and fills pack, it’d be great to get the drummer from that album, David Sandstrom, to do it. He has an interesting sense of rhythm his playing is unreal

    • This post was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by billy.
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