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[DESIGN] More Involved Internal Trigger (by Michael Beatnik)

E-drum Workshop
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  • ftpkdrum

    Piezo and cone from you know who?

    I’ve looked on Rolandus and I’ll be durn if I can find those neat little foam cones.  Can you give me a link to them?



    I can’t find the u channel crossbar. (Home depot specialist never heard or saw anything like it!)

    Anyway could I use an aluminum L bracket?

    M1 Mac Mini • 16GB RAM • OSX 14.2.1 • UA Quad • Logic 10.8 • Kontakt 7 • Toontrack SD3


    It’s actually called a C-channel. They sell them in the same area they sell metal bars and rods which is usually at the end of the aisle where the screws/nuts are. They don’t stock much of it at my local one so they’re always out.

    Christopher Graham


    I found one. It was 1″x1″x1/16″ I’ll try it.


    I’ve been reading your posts in a few other forums. How’s the acoustic conversion coming?
    I just bought a GP drum kit and I am going to attempt to convert it.
    My concerns were that the 14″ snare, 16″ floor tom and the 22″ kick would be to large to properly trigger.
    Have you sorted through the re-triggering and the ghost notes issues?

    M1 Mac Mini • 16GB RAM • OSX 14.2.1 • UA Quad • Logic 10.8 • Kontakt 7 • Toontrack SD3


    Not to detract from the topic at hand but you can follow up on my conversion here:  

    Christopher Graham

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