Mini Trigger
by Michael Beatnik

Parts Needed: All available from Radio Shack
1- piezo transducer part #273-073
1- 1/4″ phone jack (mono) part #274-252
1- project enclosure 3x2x1 part #270-1801
double sided foam tape
1- 2×3 inch piece 1/16-1/8 rubber (you’re on you’re own to find this, sorry)

First step is to solder the piezo leads to the phone jack tabs. I always solder the red lead to the tip tab.

Next, drill a hole in one end of the project box for the phone jack. Assemble as shown placing the piezo in the bottom of the box with the foam tape.
I also use a small piece of the tape to secure the wires from hanging loose inside.

Screw the lid to the box (at this point you can use this to mount to various things you would like to use as triggers), cover the lid with the rubber (I used double sided carpet tape) and you’re done. This makes a really neat effects trigger.
Thanx Michael for sharing your design!