Edge Sounds From E-Hatsby Michael Beatnik
This is the switch used for the edge sound. Info on these can be found http://members.aol.com/btnkbndt/ecymbals.html. All that is needed is to add a 1/4″ female plug to the end. You will also need a Yplug to run both the hat input and switch input into the modules hat input making sure the switch is on the rim side.

Next you need to place it on your hats with double sided tape in a position that is comfortable for you.
Be sure and clean the surface of both the hat and switch so you will get good adhesion.

I placed mine to the side where I can easily hit with the edge of my stick , but out of the way of my normal playing surface. I also use a sheet of rubber to quiet down my cymbals and the switch slides right underneath.
Thanx Michael for your design!